On The Edge With April Mahoney

Kaisha Lawrence on Candida overgrowth and wellness



www.kaishalawrence.com At mid-life I found myself frustrated, overwhelmed, and craving a lot of sugar. I was exhausted and not focusing well in any area of my life. I could keep it together for the most part during the day, but my poor family took the brunt of me when I got home. I felt like I was constantly yelling, always feeling resentful and impatient with them. Ugh. And then the guilt sets in... I had to find another way, this wasn’t the way I wanted to live; this wasn’t living at all! After years of unknown symptoms and debilitating fatigue, I finally learned how to break free from exhaustion, anxiety, and depression through getting to the root and calming my candida overgrowth. One of the greatest gifts in my journey was to find other women who felt alienated, ashamed, and exhausted too. People who understood. Otherwise, everyone around me seemed like they always had it all together. NOT ME! I felt like I was losing my sh*t all over the place.