Gcf Austin




Life Group Questions1. We are three weeks into our 40 days of prayer & fasting. What has God spoken to you thus far? 2. Through a Greek word study, Pastor Rob showed us five different facets of God’s power. Energeia – The superhuman power of GodIschus – divine strength to resist and keep fightingKratos – manifested power that establishes dominion Exousia – divine authority, liberty of actionDunamis – explosive miracle-working power As Christians, we have the power of God inside of us in the Holy Spirit. Which of these facets of God’s power did you not realize you had inside of you? Will you operate in that power moving forward? 3. Read Acts 3:1-10. Do you believe God can use you to perform a miracle as he did with Peter? Explain why or why not. 4. The Apostle Paul experienced the power of God and it radically changed his life. How have you experienced God's power and how has it changed your life? 5. How can you press in, even more, to draw closer to God in the remainder of our 40 days of prayer & fasting?