Fringe Legal

Smarter work allocation to increase lawyer retention



Professional services environments are stressful. Among the myriad of items to be juggled each day, you must manage workloads, managing the capacity of employees -  what kind of work & how frequently work is allocated.  How well this aspect is managed will impact performance, productivity, DEI, and retention. As part of our startup series, we speak with William Dougherty, Co-Founder of Capcity, a legal tech tool that looks to improve the allocation of work.In the episode, we'll discuss (numbers are time markers): What is Capacity → 1.48 How is work allocated → 3.09 Issues with the current approach to work allocation → 4.24 What if nothing changes → 5.48 Capacity management vs. work allocation → 12.31 Getting buy-in to effect change → 17.02 The business impact of attrition → 21.46