On The Edge With April Mahoney

David Abramson "to be or not to be" coaching youth in the Queer community



  https://youtu.be/1LQ2pz-3u_A YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Trust me. I know you because I am you. I’ve been exactly where you are right now and I can help you navigate through this crazy shit storm and come out the other side with the clarity, courage and confidence to own your beautiful life. Schedule Your Confidential Consultation When I was younger, I remember always being different; no interest in sports, a little effeminate, “husky.” I remember being teased for being different, feeling unloved and eating away the pain. Life would be easier if it ended and no one would miss me if I was gone. Back then, the only place I felt safe was at home, eating in front of the TV. School was unsafe. There were bullies I couldn’t hide from. Every day, they called me a faggot, a queer, “Gavid Gaybramson.” I FELT UNLOVABLE AND ALONE. Eventually I met someone ”like me.” It wasn't love, but it allowed me to experience some life, to understand and appreciate differences and to learn I was not the only one. I soon started to share m