On The Edge With April Mahoney

Catherine Dapueto Cenandez, therapist share her wisdom, clarity and culture



https://www.balanzawellness.com Melbourne based NLP Master Practitioner, Coach, Mentor, Empowered Facilitator & Change Catalyst. I am whole heartedly committed to helping you own your truth, live a soul designed life and lead from your power. I work with people who want to make a difference in the world, live passionately, experience soulful connections and radical self-love. WHY? because this is what I feel called to do! Over the past 15 years I’ve guided people just like you - I help aspiring change-makers find their purpose, create meaningful lives, have fulfilling careers, design soulful businesses and thrive in relationships. I'm on a mission to help awaken the world through real connection and meaningful transformational experiences. But most of all...I want YOU to rise every day to do what brings you joy. If you know in your heart that there is more to your life, but not sure what it is or how to get there...you're in the right place! Catherine Dapueto Cenandez Balanza Coaching & Wellness Websi