The Dating Den

How to Shift Your Energy From Seeking to Attracting with Luke Iorio



Marni welcomes mindfulness and soulfulness coach, and podcast host of On This Walk, Luke Iorio, and they delve into what it takes to lead a purposeful life. The former CEO and president of the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) shares his own personal journey with finding his way back to himself, and as a result to leading a life of inner balance and connection. Having helped thousands of clients and listeners in their quest for meaning, Luke divulges the tools to help you reconnect with your true self. It’s about awareness, rather than blame; courage rather than shame; and owning your role within your own life.  Takeaways from this episode: - What are the questions you should be asking yourself? - How you can live life on your own terms - Change is fluid - The universe is constantly conspiring to make you whole - Awareness is the first step - How to own your role in the situation   It’s Not About Making Lemonade Out of Those Lemons [08:47] When you bear in mind that whatever rough spot