Blunt Business

Using Plastic When Buying Legal Cannabis



Today on Blunt Business we are joined by founder and CEO Kevin Hart to learn how GCV has solved the biggest pain point in the entire legal cannabis space, unlocking the true potential of the largest addressable market we’ll see in our lifetime. The cannabis industry is booming. So why can’t consumers pay with “plastic” when buying legal cannabis? Why are there machine gun-carrying guards inside of legal cannabis businesses (dispensaries), and a constant stream of armored cars coming and going? Why are cannabis business owners hoarding mattresses—and entire houses—full of loose cash? Both the legal cannabis and banking industries want each other badly: dispensaries crave access to banking services. Without those services, the capabilities of dispensaries are severe, painfully limited for owners, employees, customers—and even regulators, who crave organization and documentation in order to do their compliance audits. And about those banks… Community banks and credit unions are on the decline, and desperately n