Blunt Business

How The Reputation Of Cannabis Has Changed



How the reputation of cannabis has Changed with Anthony Franciosi, Founder and Head Grower for Honest Marijuana Company. This week we welcome a cannabis industry expert who recently made some comments about the Importance of Buying Legal Marijuana, How the reputation of cannabis has Changed and Pot Rules at Social Gatherings. Let’s welcome the Founder of Honest Marijuana Company. The vision for Honest Marijuana came to mind in 2008. Anthony had moved to Colorado, just a couple of years after the medical marijuana movement lit up. The laws were still fairly new and not many doctors there were writing up scripts. Anthony, with his slew of sports injuries, and his inquisitive nature, was the perfect patient for medical marijuana. He had the right medical history to get doctors into the swing of writing scripts for spliffs. But, Anthony wasn’t interested in being a patient; he wanted to be a producer. Having worked as a landscaper for close to a decade, Anthony had surrounded himself with quality, like-minded peo