M&a Science

80. Virtual Summit Recap: Making Integration Successful from Both Sides of the Deal



On this episode of M&A Science, we're recapping a session from our virtual summit in June. Guest panelist Christina Amiry, Head of M&A Strategic Operations, Integration at Atlassian, and Steve Elliott, Head of Jira Align at Atlassian talk about how to make integration successful from both sides of the deal. In this podcast episode you'll learn: - How to drive a collaborative environment - How Atlassian makes integration a smooth process - Why Agile is perfect for integration   This podcast is brought to you by DealRoom, an M&A lifecycle management software. Go to DealRoom.net to learn more.   To join our network of M&A practitioners, sign up for our newsletter at mascience.com.   Perfect your M&A practice using Agile. Go to agilema.com to learn how you can close deals faster.