Pursue Your Spark

#179 - 7 Effortless Ways To Sneak In Exercise During The Holidays



How about this year, instead of sneaking cookies, we sneak in exercise during the holidays? It's simple, and I'll show you how with my 7 simple ways to sneak in exercise during the holidays.  The holidays are such a wonderful and magical time of the year. We are cooking and baking wonderful delicacies we don't make any other time of the year. We decorate our houses inside and out. So many tenfeel frustrated that we stopped doing our exercise, which we know would help us deal with stress and the potential pounds creeping up over the holidays. We worked so hard for our fitness and health goals and shouldn't let them slide.  Think about your exercise a little differently during the holidays this year. Instead of doing your regular workouts, whether going to the gym or working out in the basement to your favorite online program, let's sneak in exercise that doesn't even feel like a planned workout. Every little bit counts when it comes to staying healthy and strong over 50. Make it fun!  Think outside the box, me