Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

2022 Year in Review | Chris Voigt



2022: Year In Review January 1, 2023 Happy New Year, friends! All across the country it was a memorable Christmas with wild wintry weather, cancelled flights, and rescheduled or postponed family gatherings. Whatever your circumstances, I hope you enjoyed the holiday and made good memories with family and friends.   What is it that makes something memorable? Science is still figuring out how the brain, and more specifically, memory, function. But we do know that strong emotions or trauma associated with events creates memories with more sticking power. So... this Christmas, with all of the drama involved, will probably stick out in people’s minds when they look back through the years. The associated emotions or stress will make the memories of this year stand out!   Brain science also tells us that the more we practice something or think about something, the stronger the connections or synapses in our brains become. Those synapses grow stronger or weaker based on how much we rehearse or think about something.