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The arrival of the New Year also marks the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party -- the act of defiance that led directly to the Revolutionary War. A year-long celebration, to culminate in the actual anniversary on Dec. 16, 2023, has begun in Boston, where more than 70 organizations have banded together to create events, exhibits, and programming that will include the Freedom Trail and the actual Boston Tea Party ships, plus other venues throughout the Commonwealth. TRAVEL ITCH RADIO presents all the details at 8p EST on Thursday, January 5, when Dan Schlossberg and Maryellen Nugent Lee interview Evan O'Brien, creative manager for the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum. Learn about the loose-leaf tea collection, a touring trolley named Eleanor after one of the ships, and programming that presents descendants of participants, marks graves of others, and encourages students to learn about protest, civil protest, commemoration, and other ideas inspired by the Boston Tea Party. This episode, No. 485 for TRAV