Fios Que (des)atam Diálogos Entre Ficção E História Uma Leitura De Mad Maria De Márcio Souza

Esta pesquisa debruça-se a ler, interpretar e discutir o romance Mad Maria, de autoria de Márcio Souza, com a ?nalidade de observar o diálogo entre ?cção e história nele...


In Africa, food tells the vibrant story of everyday life. From the jolly market lady hawking fresh okra, just picked leafy greens and ruby red tomatoes to the bride serving her...

Two Paychecks Podcast

Podcast by Two Paychecks Podcast

Paycheck To Prosperity

Every week, Gerri interviews dynamic guests or personally delivers content aimed at helping the newbie entrepreneur or slightly Internet-challenged business owner boost his or her...

Never Chase A Paycheck Again

With jobs, cash and opportunities disappearing, people are finding it difficult to transition make ends meet. Less than 200 pages, Robert Watkins shares his step-by-step plan to...

Ferro & Fogo: Contos Medievais

Há muito tempo, no coração da Europa, reinos travavam batalhas pelo domínio do território. Com a queda do império romano inicia-se um período que ficaria marcado para...

Marcia Schuyler

When Marcia Schuyler’s beautiful and selfish older sister, Kate, abandons handsome David Spafford at the wedding altar, Marcia offers to take Kate’s place. Her offer...

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