In A German Pension

Recovering from a miscarriage and a bad marriage, author Katherine Mansfield, barely 21, wrote these excellent short stories around the time she was staying in a spa town in...

One Minute German

Learn German in minutes with the Radio Lingua Network

A Flavour Of German

Spice up your language with A Flavour of German

Learn German Vocabulary

A regular podcast designed to help you learn modern German vocabulary!

Coffee Break German

Learn German in coffee-break lessons from the Radio Lingua Network. In each lesson we'll focus on the language you need to know and before long you'll be making yourself...

Czech-german Perspectives

Czech-German Perspectives is a podcast by the Czech German Young Professionals Program (CGYPP) that aims to share interesting features and conversations with a wide range of...

Business German Podcast

This podcast will teach you more than surviving in a German office or company - related to and more in my course on Udemy - will be published soon.BGP published by your Coach of...

Una Donna Rispettabile

Oltre a Una donna Rispettabile, che da il titolo a questa raccolta, pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1894 su Vogue, presentiamo altri quattro racconti anch'essi pubblicati...

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