The Early Reader Bible Stories Collection
  • By Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand
  • Publisher: DISRUPTalks

From the Old Testament to the New Testament, all of your favorite Bible stories are combined in this inspirational collection. Stories included are: The Creation, Adam and Eve,...

Five Trick-or-treaters
  • By Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand
  • Publisher: DISRUPTalks

What will five little trick-or-treaters do this Halloween night? Venture out and share a friendly fright! Young readers will learn ordinal numbers as they follow five costumed...

A força da mulher no empreendedorismo. Novos percursos num mundo desigual
  • By Caroline Diaz
  • Duration: 5:22:10
  • Narrator: Caroline Diaz
  • Publisher: DISRUPTalks

No universo desafiador e dinâmico do empreendedorismo, as mulheres enfrentam obstáculos únicos e, ao mesmo tempo, possuem uma força transformadora capaz de redesenhar mercados...