This classic is still making its mark over 80 years since its debut. Author Johanna Brandt shares a personal journey of living with cancer and her discovery of how the beneficial...
Ever since the Alibaba Group went public on September 19, 2014—with an initial public offering of a record-breaking $25 billion—Jack Ma, the founder and charismatic "spiritual...
+ 2019 Readers Choice Awards, First Place Winner, Advice category+ 2019 International Book Awards, Award-Winning Finalist in the Parenting and Family categoryWhat if a few simple...
Nickerson restates his formula for success in real estate, which, in case you've not heard it lately, goes like this: purchase residential property in need of rehabilitation,...
This is the article in which Maslow first presented his hierarchy of needs. It was first printed in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation". Maslow subsequently extended the...
Among the many "how-to" playwriting books that have appeared over the years, there have been few that attempt to analyze the mysteries of play construction. Lajos Egri's classic,...
The place is Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, an enclave of rigid piety huddled on the edge of a wilderness. Its inhabitants believe unquestioningly in their own sanctity. But in...