Set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age, this story introduces us to the legendary Conan the Barbarian. After the death of Vendhya’s emperor, Bunda Chad, Conan kidnaps his...
Robert E. Howard is best known today for his "sword-and-sorcery" stories. But in the early 1930s, he was a legend in boxing circles for his humorously over-the-top adventure...
First published in Weird Tales, August 1928, alternatively titled 'Solomon Kane'. This was the first Solomon Kane story ever published. In France, Kane finds a girl attacked by a...
Red Nails is the last of the stories about Conan the Cimmerian written by American author Robert E. Howard. A novella, it was originally serialized in Weird Tales magazine from...
"The Scarlet Citadel" is one of the original stories starring hero Conan the Cimmerian. In this story, Conan is captured through treachery and locked in an eldritch...
"The Phoenix on the Sword" is one of the original short stories about Conan the Cimmerian, written by Robert E. Howard. The tale, in which Howard created the character...
Conan and Natala are the sole survivors of Prince Almuric's army which swept through the Lands of Shem and the outlands of Stygia. Conan cut his way clear and fled on a camel...
A young Conan is drinking in a rowdy tavern when he overhears a fat Kothic rogue describing a fabulous jewel called the "Heart of the Elephant". The jewel is kept in a...
A powerful wizard named Thugra Khotan is awoken from his three-thousand year sleep by an audacious yet unlucky Zamoran thief named Shevatas . Thugra wakes with dreams of world...
Robert E. Howard, o criador do Conan, apresenta o mais bárbaro dos detetives!Steve Harrison é um detetive durão. E não podia ser diferente, pois em River Street, o bairro mais...