Hadleyburg is a decent American town where all the people are honest, selfless and honorable. At least, that is how they see themselves. One day a stranger arrives in town and...
Tom Sawyer is an orphaned boy who lives together with his kindhearted aunt Polly. Although his poor aunt takes good care of him, Tom grows up to be rebellious who comes up with a...
Can you imagine that a big white elephant could disappeared into thin air? It may sound impossible or ridiculous but it actually happened. An elephant got sent to Great Britain as...
Have you ever read the story of Creation told in the first person and in a diary form? If not "The Diaries of Adam and Eve" would be the best choice for you. You will find out...
Henry Adams is a poor American who ends up penniless in London after a boating accident swept him out to sea. One day he stumbles upon two brothers who hand him a suspicious...
"Tom Sawyer Abroad" is a novel by Mark Twain published in 1894. It features Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn in a parody of adventure stories like those of Jules Verne.
Alonzo Fitz and Other Stories by Mark Twain. In this collection, fans of Twain will surely enjoy reading his essays like "On The Decay of the Art of Lying," "About...
The American Claimant by Mark Twain. The American Claimant is not one of Mark Twain’s better known books such as Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn and A Connecticut Yankee in...
Tom Sawyer, Detective by Mark Twain. When a murder is committed in town and his uncle is accused of the crime, Tom plays the role of the detective to solve the case before it is...
Hank Morgan, a mechanic at a gun factory, is knocked unconscious and wakes up in England in the year 528. After he is captured and taken to Camelot, he is put before the knights...