Originally serialized from March 1869 through June 1870 in Pierre-Jules Hetzel's fortnightly periodical, the Magasin d'éducation et de récréation and wildly acclaimed on it's...
Mysterious Phileas Fogg is a man of the most repetitious and punctual habit - with no apparent sense of adventure whatsoever - he gambles his considerable fortune that he can...
Do you want to listen to Around the World in Eighty Days? If so then keep reading…Around the World in Eighty Days is a classic adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne,...
Quiquendone is a small town in West Flanders, whose citizens are the wisest, most sociable and hospitable people. The town’s mayor, Van Tricasse, claims that the one if a person...
Pierre Aronnax is a famous marine biologist, who works together with his manservant Conseil and harpoonist Ned Land. The three brave men are tirelessly hunting a mysterious sea...
The Mysterious Island (French: L'Ile mystérieuse) is a novel by Jules Verne, published in 1874. The novel is a crossover sequel to Verne's famous Twenty Thousand Leagues Under...
An expedition sets sail from Brooklyn to capture a mysterios sea monster. After much fruitless searching, the monster is found, and the ship attacks it. During the fight, the...
A comet called Gallia touches the Earth in its flight and collects a few small chunks of it. On the territory that was carried away by the comet there remained a total of...
"Master Zacharius”, or “The Clockmaker Who Lost His Soul" is an 1854 short story by Jules Verne. The story, an intensely Romantic fantasy echoing the works...
Robur kidnaps the Weldon Institute's secretary, president, and the president's valet. He takes them on board his ship, a huge, battery-powered, multirotor gyrodyne called the...