Chapter 1 A Lonely ChildhoodThis is the story of a prince called Joseph, a direct descendant of King David of Israel. According to the tradition of Israel, the Messiah would one...
Technology is more and more present in our lives, which is a clear advance, but also a danger, especially among the youngest people, since they can fall into what is called...
This book addresses the new branch called Cyberpsychology, which shows how there has been a change in the person-technology relationship, analyzing how new developments affect the...
When we talk about emotional intelligence we are actually referring to the development of the person. This topic has been on the rise for a few decades and it has proven to be...
To speak of neuropsychology is to speak of one of the branches that has experienced the most growth in the past few years since it makes use of the advances of not only psychology...
In questo libro vengono trattati gli aspetti basilari che deve conoscere un professionista che desideri addentrarsi nell’ambito della salute mentale, in particolare della...
El juez se quedó dormido y después de descansar, tal vez unas tres horas, cuando su mente estaba ya descargada de la pesadez del día, ésta estableció contacto de forma visual...
Esta es la vida de uno de los más grandes personajes de la antigüedad, el Rey David.Esta es la vida de uno de los más grandes personajes de la antigüedad,...
En este libro se va a presentar desde la perspectiva psicológica una aproximación al reino animal, mostrando las diferencias y semejanzas con los humanos.Igualmente...
Il Cyberbullismo è una forma moderna di bullismo che può colpire chiunque, ma diventa particolarmente preoccupante quando ad esserne colpiti sono i minori.In questa breve guida...