When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayer: Insights To Keep You Praying With Greater Faith And Deeper Hope
  • By Jerry L. Sittser
  • Duration: 6:12:46
  • Narrator: Jerry S Sittser
  • Publisher: Zondervan

More than a decade ago, Jerry Sittser prayed for the protection of his family, yet three of his loved ones--his daughter, his wife, and his mother--died in an automobile accident....

A Grace Revealed: How God Redeems The Story Of Your Life
  • By Jerry L. Sittser
  • Duration: 7:36:04
  • Narrator: Maurice England
  • Publisher: Zondervan

Twenty years ago, Jerry Sittser lost his daughter, wife, and mother in a car accident. He chronicled that tragic experience in A Grace Disguised, a book that has become a classic...

The Will Of God As A Way Of Life: How To Make Every Decision With Peace And Confidence
  • By Jerry L. Sittser
  • Duration: 7:55:21
  • Narrator: Don Reed
  • Publisher: Zondervan

Practical help for understanding and following God's will for your life."God has a plan for our lives," but what does that mean in practical terms? How do we know God's will for...