Christmas is coming! Along with all the excitement, life holds its challenges for the Beech Bank Girls. Holly faces the reality of financial crisis at home; Rachel is worried...
Six teenage friends draw nearer to God and to each other through real life issues. Amber, Holly, Willow, Annie, Rachel and Chloe share their laughter, their tears, their hopes,...
The Beech Bank Girls are back! Teenage friends Chloe, Willow, Annie, Rachel, Holly and Amber become absorbed in a diary from the First World War, and discover that the choices...
The second in the Beech Bank Girls series. Not long after Chloe's surprise birthday party (Beech Bank Girls, Every Girl Has A Story), the Beech Bank Girls are back. Holly is in...
This novel is for a YA audience. Rebecca and Jade have become best friends, despite their different backgrounds. When one of them discovers she is pregnant, both are faced with...