An actionable audio guide to living with Bipolar Disorder for Patients and Families.Today only, get this audio bestseller for a special price.Millions of people suffer from...
Navigate the challenging terrain of autistic burnout with expert guidance and transformative exercises designed to help you pursue your own recovery from neurodivergent...
This is the first e-book that presents some insights into the construction of Mokken scales with complex survey data, and, in particular, the estimation of Mokken's scalability...
The stated purpose of the book is to "open the door to the thinking and sentiment of the reader of a just, unrealistic representation of the real world, instead of the...
Darwin and Freud both had a 'sixth sense' about people and were able to read people instantaneously. But where Freud saw the id and in that way saw into people's evolutionary...
If you want a happier, healthier, and overall better life, where you aren't controlled by your emotions, then keep reading...If you want a successful life, improving your EQ is...
Porn stars are lazy and like to have a good time. That is why they chose to do porn, and that is why they like to do drugs. A desire to 'numb the pain' caused by doing porn is, at...
Quitting smoking is not easy, but it's worth it! This bundle offers practical tips to help you break your nicotine addiction and kick the cigarette habit for good.Many experts...
Have you ever wondered why there are some people you take an instant dislike to and others to whom you gravitate? Obviously, there's something else happening besides their verbal...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Series, Book 3Are you constantly plagued by negative thoughts about yourself and others? Do you wish that you could finally be free of these issues,...