Do you have difficulty organizing your own life and developing your goals? This program will help you to develop these skills and set you on your way to achieving your goals.
Passive Income - Financial Freedom . Is it really possible? Can you really just do the work once, and kick back as the profits automagically roll in? or is it just another hype to...
Social Media Hacks. Do you know them? Do you know should be posting four images in a tweet, not one? Do you know how to secretly promote dark posts on facebook? Do you know how to...
Do you continue to miss out on jobs and interviews and wonder WHY?How many times have you got back from a job interview and thought ‘I think that could have gone a bit...
Hungarian by birth, Nicolas Darvas trained as an economist at the University of Budapest. Reluctant to remain in Hungary until either the Nazis or the Soviets took over, he fled...
Do you have moments of self-doubt where everything suddenly comes a crashing halt?Do you want to be able to rediscover your inner passion to succeed?This book is the one for...
Se explican las implicaciones económicas del desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial.
The Future of Money. What will it be?And more to the point - does as money as we know it have a future? Will Money be Killed by Cryptocurrency? Blasted by Bitcoin? Is it time to...
Product Launch Mastery. Have you got it? Do you know everything you need to know to successfully launch your product? Do you have all the software systems in place? Are your...
It's an all-too-common tale, told across just about every sales department around the world: The newest salesperson on the team has strong credentials and crushed it during the...