Howie Milstein has had enough. After many years participating with a multitude of communities, such as corporations, non-profit organizations, boards of directors, and bowling...
Bitcoin is a free open source peer-to-peer electronic cash system that is completely decentralized, without the need for a central server or trusted parties. Users hold the crypto...
Learn how you can craft your high converting sales funnel and turn more and more leads into customers!Today only, get this audio bestseller for a special price. In this audiobook,...
Some years ago the author became very much impressed with the fact, which can be observed in any engineering organization, that the chief obstacles to the success of individual...
Como un Hombre Piensa, Asi es Su Vida es sin duda el libro más famoso de James Allen, uno de los autores de autoayuda más leídos. Este libro fue escrito para todos aquellos que...
Does your Agile team experience the following common problems?Members use established Agile practices and tools, yet with little motivation or buy-in.Even though the team is...
'VISIBLE will help you reverse engineer your dream and to put in place the plan to provide for a solid foundation of serious growth and monetization.’ – CHRIS HOWARD,...
Success Master Class. Would you like one? And, more to the point - do you need one? Or are you satisfied with your current revenue and market share? Are you content to rest on...
Assuming the heritage management role is more than aresponsible attitude towards financial capital, it is an attitudein recognition of family culture and values. For those who...
Plan. Do. Check. Act. Four simple words that together form a powerfulmanagement technique for improving processes, activities, and organisations.We wrote this book to help readers...