Eight Hundred Leagues On The Amazon
  • By Jules Verne
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Joam Garral, a ranch owner who lives near the Peruvian-Brazilian border on the Amazon River, is forced to travel down-stream when his past catches up with him.

  • By Jane Austen
  • Publisher: Classica Libris

At twenty-seven, Anne Elliot is no longer young and has few romantic prospects. Eight years earlier, she had been persuaded by her friend Lady Russell to break off her engagement...

Wuthering Heights
  • By Emily Bronte
  • Publisher: Infilaindiana Edizioni

Wuthering Heights was published in 1847 and is Emily Brontë’s only novel.It is regarded as a classic of English literature and also considered a novel with Gothic...

  • By Walter Scott
  • Publisher: Passerino Editore

"Ivanhoe" is a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, first published in 1820. The story of one of the remaining Saxon noble families at a time when the nobility in...

  • By Homer
  • Publisher: Longo Edizioni

The Odyssey is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is, in part, a sequel to the Iliad, the other work ascribed to Homer. The poem is fundamental to...

Crime And Punishment
  • By Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The original iconic work of Fyodor Dostoevsky telling a thrilling story of mental anguish and moral dilemmas experienced by an inexperienced murderer. Raskolnikov, a former law...

The Haunted Man And The Ghost’s Bargain
  • By Charles Dickens
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Redlaw is a teacher of chemistry who often broods over wrongs done him and grief from his past life. He is haunted by a spirit, who is not so much a ghost as Redlaw's phantom twin...

Mansfield Park
  • By Jane Austen
  • Publisher: Infilaindiana Edizioni

Mansfield Park, published in 1814, is the third novel by Jane Austen. The protagonist is Fanny Price, an intelligente and sensitive girl; at age ten her impoverished family sends...

Sailor's Knots And Other Stories
  • By W. W. Jacobs
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

An exciting collection of stories from W.W. Jacobs, a London based novelist famous for his humour, horror and travel stories. This volume includes some of his iconic work:...

After The Divorce
  • By Grazia Deledda
  • Publisher: Passerino Editore

"After the Divorce" is a novel by Italian author Grazia Deledda.This tragedy is set in Sardinia Constantino Ledda is convicted on charges for murdering his bad uncle....

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