Allan And The Holy Flower
  • By H. Rider Haggard
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Brother John, who has been wandering in Africa for years, confides to Allan a huge and rare orchid, the largest ever found. Allan arrives to England with the flower and there he...

  • By Charlotte Bronte
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Robert Moore is a mill owner noted for apparent ruthlessness toward his employees. He has laid off many of them, apparently indifferent to their resulting poverty. But in fact he...

Mr. Prohack
  • By Arnold Bennett
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Arthur Prohack is a Treasury official admired and feared by people at all levels of government. At home, he is affection itself to his quiet, ever-anxious wife, Marian, and to...

The Emperor Of The Moon
  • By Aphra Behn
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The Emperor of the Moon is a Restoration farce based on Italian commedia dell'arte. It was Behn's second most successful play, possibly due to the lightness of the plot and its...

No Name
  • By Wilkie Collins
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The two sisters Norah and Magdalen live in peace and contentment, looked after by their governess, Miss Garth. Magdalen likes nothing better than to read at her window while her...

The Book Of The Cave Of Treasures
  • By E. A. Wallis Budge
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The book presents a complete translation of the Syriac text of the compendious history of the world from the Creation to the Crucifixion of our Lord, which is commonly known as...

A Second Coming
  • By Marsh Richard
  • Publisher: Enrico Conti

Richard Marsh (12 October 1857 – 9 August 1915) was the pseudonym of the English author born Richard Bernard Heldmann. A best-selling and prolific author of the late 19th...

Virgin Soil
  • By Ivan Turgenev
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The story follows a young man and a young woman, torn between love and politics. They struggle to make headway against the stifling conventions of provincial life, complacency of...

  • By Wilkie Collins
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The novel follows two distant cousins both named Allan Armadale. The father of one had murdered the father of the other. The story starts with a deathbed confession by the...

The Nightingale And The Rose
  • By Oscar Wilde
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

A nightingale finds a young romantic student in tears because he cannot find a red rose for his beautiful ball partner. There are no red roses in the garden. The nightingale...

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