The sensational bestselling story of Little Nell and a shop owner whose overwhelming gambling debts allow a greedy landlord to seize his shop of dusty treasures. Evicted and with...
Ruth is a young orphan girl working in a respectable sweatshop for the overworked Mrs Mason. She is selected to go to a ball to repair torn dresses. At the ball she meets the...
Clement of Alexandria tells us that the whole of the religious philosophy-that is, the wisdom, discipline and multifarious arts and sciences-of the Egyptian priesthood was...
Captain Harry Luttrell is a soldier who is not happy where he’s currently stationed—in England, where he’s grown fat with boredom and fears that he will do...
The Brenva Glacier at Mont Blanc has always been a legend among mountaineers. When the talented John Lattery sets out one day to cross this sea of ice, no one thinks that it will...
With H. G. Wells’ other novels, The War of the Worlds was one of the first and greatest works of science fiction ever to be written. Even long before man had learned to fly,...
On Prince Edward Island, where Anne Shirley grew up in the sea-sprayed town of Avonlea, there was no shortage of wonderful stories. There was the case of Ludovic Speed, who...
Whirlpools, a social/political novel of modern Poland, began to appear in serialized form in 1909, and was published as a book in 1910.
The novel follows several characters including Charles Darnay, a French once-aristocrat who falls victim to the indiscriminate wrath of the revolution despite his virtuous nature,...
The story is set in the small, fictional town of Whilomville, New York. An African-American coachman named Henry Johnson, who is employed by the town's physician, Dr. Trescott,...