On February 6, 2001, my nine-year-old daughter happened to wander into the room during a television segment marking Ronald Reagan's ninetieth birthday. She watched for a moment....
#1 New York Times Bestseller! In Catastrophe, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann—authors of the megabestsellers Fleeced and Outrage—take a hard look at America in free fall...
Most people assume that the Clintons amassed their considerable wealth through lucrative book deals and speaking gigs that sometimes paid as much as $750,000. But who paid these...
“It’s one of the best books on politics of any kind I’ve read. For entertainment value, I put it up there with Catch 22.” —The Financial...
Peggy Noonan's Wall Street Journal column has been must reading for thoughtful liberals and conservatives alike. Now she issues an urgent, heartfelt call for all Americans to...
"Your government failed you . . . and I failed you."Richard Clarke's dramatic statement to the grieving families during the 9-11 Commission hearings touched a raw nerve across...
Kids Are Americans Too! And that means you have rights just like everybody else. But it's not enough to just say you have them. You have to know what those rights are...and are...
This book aims to contribute to debates in the fields of political geography, geopolitics and territorial management from the point of view of authors who work in Brazilian...
An incisive analysis of how the Supreme Court’s new conservative supermajority is overturning decades of law and leading the country in a dangerous political direction.In...
Revolt! is a battle cry for the newly elected Republican majority from the New York Times bestselling authors of Outrage, Fleeced, Catastrophe, and 2010: Take Back America. Dick...