Strategy and Simulation Games Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: The Gamers Guide and Video Game StorytellingAre you bored and want to enjoy your leisure time? Then, playing simulation games...
In the play's unconventional opening, the ghost of Polydorus tells how when the war threatened Troy, he was sent to King Polymestor of Thrace for safekeeping, with gifts of gold...
Don Quijote de la Mancha; es la obra literaria más famosa de España y una de las obras más importantes y conocidas del mundo, además de ser la obra mas leída del mundo...
Mansfield Park is the third published novel by Jane Austen.The novel tells the story of Fanny Price, starting when her overburdened, impoverished family sends her at age...
O Atalho para O Inglês é uma nova forma revolucionária para se aprender o inglês." Este livro, não é um livro de gramática complicada - com este método, é fácil aprender...
Join Sam Harris, as he answers one of the questions that he has been asked on numerous occasions. Why doesn't he criticize Israel? While Sam Harris does indeed criticize Israel...
A WALL STREET JOURNAL AND GLOBE AND MAIL BESTSELLER An essential introduction and guide to navigating the next Internet revolution—everything from the metaverse and NFTs to...
Expressões idiomáticas são essenciais para que o aluno de um idioma estrangeiro começa a ter fluência tal qual um nativo. Mas, isto é somente possível quando se quebra a...
Friendship, betrayal, wisdom, humour, epic romance, betrayal, jealousy, adventure, bravery, and murder. There's everything in those iconic Shakespeare stories. His work transcends...
""Stunning. Sean McFate is a new Sun Tzu."" -Admiral James Stavridis (retired), former Supreme Allied Commander at NATOAn Economist Book of the Year 2019An urgent,...