Artifical Intelligence. A strange combination of words to describe the capabilites of super computers, isn't it? But regardless of how you describe it, we're now moving at warp...
Augmented Reality. What is it - really? How is it different from Virtual Reality? And, more importantly, how is it going to impact our future?In his last three books on Virtual...
Virtual Reality. Robots of all shapes, sizes and configurations. Shaping and guiding our lives. Making everything better, easier and more convient. That's the pitch from the Robot...
Black men understand that no matter how much money, successes or achievement in education they obtain, white America will always see them as a threat and problem. Black men...
Hitch-hiking from Paris to Bali with extremely limited funds and a total ignorance of Visa requirements for the countries in between!After being beaten up, caught in a sand-storm...
Ace the English, Math, Reading and Science Skills and get 30+ on the ACT.Today only, get this audio bestseller for a special price.The ACT is a standardized test designed to show...
The Book/Ebook/Audiobook market has continued to advance and change.There are also some new markets like AudioBooks which have taken off like a rocket in the last few years.My own...
Are you new to iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro max? This book shows you new and exciting tips and in-depth tutorials you need to know about the new iPhone 11 features...
The Up to Date Book on Dark Web & Dark NetYou must read this book if you want to learn about or embark on the dark web journey. In this short book, you’ll learn the...
In 1951 American terrorism was homegrown. There were no battles fought on American soil, yet there were 12 bombings targeting black Americans, Catholics, and Jews in "Jim Crow"...