Beautiful story about the life of Robert Falconer. The story opens as Robert is a young boy living with his grandmother and tells of Robert's struggles to find God. Some of...
Arsène Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise created by French writer Maurice Leblanc.Lupin was featured in 19 novels and 36 short stories by Leblanc,...
This book is written by John Galsworthy in 1924. Fleur Forsyte is now married to Michael Mont, but the marriage is haunted by the ghost of a past love story . Fleur is an...
"When Shona became secretary to the Marquis of Chilworth, all she was told was that they were going abroad so that he could write a book.She never suspected the dark secret in his...
Lady Elvina, theal and in love. Any day now Captain Andreaw Broadmoor would propose to her.But then she overheard him saying that he did not love her and would only marry her for...
Returning from finishing school in France, Louisa Hatton was full of enthusiasm for the life ahead. She was convinced it would be exciting and romantic. But her parents had...
The Marquis of Wynstanton had become involved with one of the beauties of London Society -- Locadi, Lady Marshall and when her husband died unexpectedly, the Marquis set out on a...
Lady Galina More and her brother, Georgie, the Earl of Ranmore, are in despair because they own two large historic houses which are entailed.Georgie decides he will have to marry...
Keeping up appearances for her older brother, and his Society lifestyle while also caring for their young brother and sister is becoming too much for the beautiful Minerva as they...
""I will not marry a man I do not love!"When Lady Verena’s widowed father suddenly remarries, she finds that her stepmother is anxious to make a match of convenience for her new...