Bossy Bruja Prayers



Our prayer line has a new home! This channel will be the home of BOSSYbrujas prayer invocations and guided meditations. I pray you enjoy! Be sure to check out our Podcast BOSSY Bruja Podcast! Enjoy. Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • Quarantine Prayer Calls Day 3 (March 26)

    26/03/2020 Duration: 01h52min

    If church was a place of continual affirmation, loving together, constant laughter and cutting up, mixed with scripture and smoke, prayer and psalms and everyone spouting wisdom and speaking truth...then that’s what this call is about. Notes: We are reading from Psalm 107 with emphasis on verses 11 and 27! We are referencing The Miracle Prayer and Ancestors: The Primal Invocation which can be found on for free. We are speaking forth The Oath of Manifestation which can be found easily on Google. We are recommending Agape International live church events and so much more. You’ll have to listen to this call though to get the tea and also to be told hold to use Psalm 107 Gramma-style (hoodoo). Enjoy. And next time join us if you can! We’ll be on the line again speaking life over ourselves and each other like a bunch of church hags.

  • Quarantine Prayer Calls Day 2 (March 25)

    26/03/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Unfortunately, the prayer wasn’t recorded but we do discuss our thoughts and feelings regarding FRIENDSHIPS. This is a very interesting call indeed! Join and feel free to send us an audio message sharing your own feelings. Be WELL.

  • Visualization Challenge: Love’s Embrace

    25/03/2020 Duration: 16min

    Let’s go see your boo at the beach! --- Support this podcast:

  • Quarantine Prayer Calls: Day 1 (March 24)

    24/03/2020 Duration: 01h35min

    Tune into the first 15 minutes of this recording for a brief reading of two different passages and a prayer. Today's check in and prayer call was beautiful. We focused on the Psalm 107:19-21 but I'd encourage you to read the entire passage.  My elder sister and I did this together, focusing on verse 11 and looking up different translations. It was "humbling" lol. Now, the entire coven will be watching the Matrix Trilogy so please join us so we can discuss it at some point over the next two weeks. Also mentioned in this episode are the Miracle Prayer which you can download for free at! I am listening to it now and I'm enjoying it.  Lastly, whether this call is a cute distraction, a much needed source of solace or a place to just tune in and listen: you're welcome. We are certainly relying heavily on our spiritual practices, studies, divination work, and good old fashioned staying safe and clean. This is a time of uncertainty...and that's okay because we have one another. You're safe here.  Talk to yo

  • Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu- Sanskrit Mantra for Peace

    22/03/2020 Duration: 03min

    from one of my favorite people on the planet.

  • A prayer for a peaceful and pleasant spring!

    19/03/2020 Duration: 08min

    HAPPY OSTARA WITCHES! --- Support this podcast:

  • Words, Thoughts, Ideas, Visualizations, Beliefs & Feelings

    19/03/2020 Duration: 11min

    More prayers to transmute fear to peace. --- Support this podcast:

  • I infect others with health and energy.

    17/03/2020 Duration: 07min

    Stay mellow my fellow.

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month Prayer Service with Hannah and Ayo

    10/10/2019 Duration: 33min

    Thank you for praying with Hannah and me. Follow Hannah here and follow Ayodele here. --- Support this podcast:


    19/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    Day 13: LOVE ALWAYS TRUSTS, ALWAYS HOPES, ALWAYS PERSEVERES  When we young we believed in the immediacy of love. We hoped for it and dreamt of it. Yet for many of us along the way love lost its luster and promise. Maybe our hearts were broken or we experienced deep disappointment or sorrow in love. Perhaps our love was unrequited and we began to ignore our yearning for love and partnership. Perhaps we have bought into the lie of selfishness and individualism above all else. Many of us are avid self-care aficionados, we are doing us (whatever that means) and yet we may still feel sadder and lonelier than ever. Today, I’d like you to assume the position of your young self (whether that’s a teenage version of you or a version in his, her, or their early twenties). I want you to listen to some of the love songs or read some of the love poetry you enjoyed back then and then I’d like you to have a conversation with you. I’d like you to ask your younger self about his/her/their hopes and dreams regarding love.

  • Love Invocation 12: Love Fortifies

    12/06/2019 Duration: 04min

    What’s good witches? Welcome to day 12 of our Love Invocation!! I’m Ayo! I’m happy you’re here. I’ve been thinking a lot about relationships and particularly about the types of relationships I desire to have in my life. And I think one of the things that I really desire and enjoy in all of my relationships is fortification. I like relationships which strengthen, encourage, and embolden me. I love a good challenge and I believe challenges are necessary to growth. I also love a strong word of encouragement and knowing that my loved ones believe in me! How about you? For today’s activity, please send a message or speak a powerful word of encouragement to someone you love, speak it to your partner if you can. If not, send a loving word of encouragement silently, from your heart to theirs. Today’s topic is LOVE FORTIFIES. Let’s pray.  Prayer God is good and worthy to be praised. Give thanks for another day of life. God is with us, our teacher, comforter and source of wisdom within. We are grateful because when we

  • Love Invocation 11: Love Reincarnates

    11/06/2019 Duration: 04min

    D A Y 11: L O V E  R E I N C A R N A T E S What’s good witches! It’s day 11 of our LOVE INVOCATION! Welcome, welcome. My name is Ayodele Fuega. You can find me on instagram @bossybruja or at I am so happy you’re here. Eleven is a special number, it’s a number denoting wisdom, gateway to higher consciousness, and instantaneous manifestations. So, for today’s activity, I want you to think of your Ancestors—the ones who came before you and the ones who walk with you and among you still. Whenever I think of the Ancestors I can’t help but think of the incredible love and sacrifices that they made to create opportunities for us. As a Black woman in America, I can’t help but think of those families which were divided and the lovers whose love was not honored, whose love was destroyed. But, I also feel encouraged because of a book I read in my teens called Redemption Song. It was the story of two spirits who reincarnated lifetime after lifetime, generation after generation to seek and love one another

  • Love Invocation 10: Love Persists

    11/06/2019 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to day 10 of our love invocation sweet witches! Today’s topic is LOVE PERSISTS. Today’s activity is to sit in a meditation and to think of all the people you love. Hold them in your thoughts or see them in your mind’s eye and tell them how much you love them. Tell them thank you for the specific things they’ve brought into your life. See them in a state of total bliss and comfort. You can imagine people who are incarnate and/or those in the spirit realm. Lastly, I would like you to go to your mirror, look yourself in the eye and tell yourself thank you. Tell yourself you love you. Thank yourself for staying alive, making it work, making the necessary choices, and persisting even when life gets tough. Let’s pray. God is with us, always. God is the air, the rain, the sun, the earth. God is ALL. God permeates all of existence and animates every cell. God is our very spirit-She is alive and well. She strengthens us, fills us with courage, satisfies our souls and empowers us to persist even when things g

  • Love Invocation 09: Love Enchants

    11/06/2019 Duration: 04min

    What’s good witches! Today is day 9 of our prosperity invocation and I’m hype. I can tell that this prayer series is working. Please note: You may begin attracting people who still love you. That just means the prayers have pull, but keep going. Today’s topic is LOVE ENCHANTS. Today’s activity is to create a list. This list is two parts. Part one is all the characteristics and qualities you desire your partner to possess. Part two is all the characteristics and qualities you desire to possess. Then figure out what practical steps you need to take to embody them and start taking those steps. Some of you may have a list, go find it and review it and update it as needed. Thank you! Let’s pray. Prayer Dear God, I dream of a love for myself and my witch babes that is bold, beautiful, and enchanting. I envision a love that is so satisfying and fulfilling that everyday we wake up in peace, deep gratitude, and excitement for what the day holds for us and our beloveds. I imagine a collective of witches who are elevat

  • Love Invocation 08: Love Remains

    09/06/2019 Duration: 04min

    What’s good witches! Welcome to day 8 of our love invocation. Our topic today is LOVE REMAINS. For today’s activity I would like you to visualize an ideal day! I would like you to sit down in the morning or before you retire for bed in the evening, close your eyes and simply imagine what an ideal day would look like for you! Who would you be with? Where would you be? Where would you live? What sorts of activities would you do? How would people treat you and communicate with you? I want you to imagine that the love you feel or desire in your heart has expanded out into your life and touched every relationship and interaction. Feel the love of this vision filling you up. Let’s pray. Prayer God is here. God is absolute love so love is always with us because God is always with us. God will never forsake us or forget us even if the whole world does. God is with us. God is here and God is total wisdom so the wisdom to know what to do and how to handle things is always available to us. We know that nothing, absolu

  • Love Invocation 07: Love Expands

    08/06/2019 Duration: 05min

    What’s good witches! Welcome back to our love invocation! Today is day seven! This is Ayodele Fuega of, you can find me on Instagram @bossybruja! I am so thankful for those of you who are following along. I’m having a really good time with you guys and I’m loving seeing and hearing your feedback. Today’s topic is love expands, so get comfortable and let’s pray!  Prayer Dear God today our minds are on our families, our community, our partner, our love. It is on our responsibility to our bloodlines—to those who came before us and those will come after us especially those of us who desire to carry our individual bloodlines forward. We consider how our behaviors and actions of today will affect and influence those who come after. We are always striving to be more aware of how our choices, beliefs, habits, customs, words, and treatment will affect our descendants, our immediate children in particular and those who come after them. And so we’re choosing and seeking to be the best that we can b

  • Love Invocation 06: Love Cares

    07/06/2019 Duration: 05min

    What’s good witches! It’s day 6 of our LOVE INVOCATION! Welcome back. This is Ayodele Fuega of Catch me on instagram @bossybruja! Today’s topic is deeply significant and important to me. I think there’s a world of difference between a considerate partner and an inconsiderate one. I think, by far, the considerate partner is the better one in every situation. So we are going to be calling forth THAT partner. Get comfortable, breathe deeply, relax and let's pray.  Prayer  God is here—always with us, fully present, ever giving of Herself withholding no good thing from us ever. God is love itself. God is all-knowledge, all-wisdom, perfect joy, perfect health, and well-being. God is the answer to every question we have—the remedy to every malady. God is the resolution to every problem we thought we had. We don’t have a problem with love. We don’t have a problem with receiving love or giving love because God is love itself and God is the most natural thing in life. We know ourselves as individualize

  • Love Invocation 05: Love Restores

    06/06/2019 Duration: 06min

    What’s good witches? Welcome back to our LOVE INVOCATION. Today is day 5 and our topic is LOVE RESTORES. Before we pray, I want to offer a word of encouragement to those who are creating your psychic oil from yesterday’s ritual. Take your time and enjoy the process. Today’s activity is to take the Five Love Languages test. If you have a partner who is currently present, and physically present in your life, please have them take the test also. I will provide a button below to take you to the test. If you have taken this test at some point in the past, I ask that you retake the test, as I have seen love languages change slightly with maturity. Now, please get settled and let’s pray.  Prayer GOD IS HERE, with us always—nearer to us than our neck vein, closer than our breath. God is our exact spirit. God is right where we are always and will never leave us nor forsake us. God is our life. God is the supreme power in existence—the supreme intelligence—that underlying energy which animates and permeates everything.

  • Love Invocation 04: Love Refreshes

    05/06/2019 Duration: 05min

    What’s good witches! Welcome back to our love invocation! Today is day 4! I’m Ayodele Fuega of You can find me on Instagram @bossybruja! Today’s topic, while the sirens blare in the background, is LOVE REFRESHES! Get comfortable and let’s get ready to pray. Prayer God is here, fully-present, ever-giving up Herself withholding no good thing from us especially not the love of our lives. And we are so happy and thankful for these beautiful partners of ours—whether they are with us now physically or not. They are still with us always, you understand?—We carry them in our hearts always. We are happy and thankful for another day of life! We are out here winning the lottery—waking up refreshed, happy, alert, ready to work our altars, ready to lay some tricks [Laughter]. Ready to have a good time. We are thankful for a relationship where we get to be ourselves—where we are honored as the big, beautiful witches that we are. Where we are fully prepared, stocked up to support the love of our life in th

  • Love Invocation 03: Love Transforms

    04/06/2019 Duration: 05min

    What’s good witches? Welcome to day 3 of our LOVE INVOCATION. So, y’all know I be sitting around waiting for Spirit to tell me what the topic is, right? [Laughter] Today’s topic is LOVE TRANSFORMS. Whew! Y’all go ahead and take some breaths, get relaxed, and let’s pray. Prayer God is here, fully present, ever-giving of Herself withholding no good thing from us ever. We are so happy and thankful for another day of life. We are thankful for our community of magical practitioners all of whom are co-creating the loves of their lives with us. We are thankful to have this agreement within our circle. We all know that we can have it all. We all know that love—blissful, harmonious, pure,—blissful love is possible for each of us. So when we release these prayers to Law we are releasing them on behalf of ourselves. We are releasing them on behalf of our sisters and our brothers. We are releasing them on behalf of all of those who pray with us in concert now. We trust and know that the desires of our hearts are being f

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