Bossy Bruja Prayers

Love Invocation 12: Love Fortifies



What’s good witches? Welcome to day 12 of our Love Invocation!! I’m Ayo! I’m happy you’re here. I’ve been thinking a lot about relationships and particularly about the types of relationships I desire to have in my life. And I think one of the things that I really desire and enjoy in all of my relationships is fortification. I like relationships which strengthen, encourage, and embolden me. I love a good challenge and I believe challenges are necessary to growth. I also love a strong word of encouragement and knowing that my loved ones believe in me! How about you? For today’s activity, please send a message or speak a powerful word of encouragement to someone you love, speak it to your partner if you can. If not, send a loving word of encouragement silently, from your heart to theirs. Today’s topic is LOVE FORTIFIES. Let’s pray.  Prayer God is good and worthy to be praised. Give thanks for another day of life. God is with us, our teacher, comforter and source of wisdom within. We are grateful because when we