Bossy Bruja Prayers

Love Invocation 03: Love Transforms



What’s good witches? Welcome to day 3 of our LOVE INVOCATION. So, y’all know I be sitting around waiting for Spirit to tell me what the topic is, right? [Laughter] Today’s topic is LOVE TRANSFORMS. Whew! Y’all go ahead and take some breaths, get relaxed, and let’s pray. Prayer God is here, fully present, ever-giving of Herself withholding no good thing from us ever. We are so happy and thankful for another day of life. We are thankful for our community of magical practitioners all of whom are co-creating the loves of their lives with us. We are thankful to have this agreement within our circle. We all know that we can have it all. We all know that love—blissful, harmonious, pure,—blissful love is possible for each of us. So when we release these prayers to Law we are releasing them on behalf of ourselves. We are releasing them on behalf of our sisters and our brothers. We are releasing them on behalf of all of those who pray with us in concert now. We trust and know that the desires of our hearts are being f