Bossy Bruja Prayers




Day 13: LOVE ALWAYS TRUSTS, ALWAYS HOPES, ALWAYS PERSEVERES  When we young we believed in the immediacy of love. We hoped for it and dreamt of it. Yet for many of us along the way love lost its luster and promise. Maybe our hearts were broken or we experienced deep disappointment or sorrow in love. Perhaps our love was unrequited and we began to ignore our yearning for love and partnership. Perhaps we have bought into the lie of selfishness and individualism above all else. Many of us are avid self-care aficionados, we are doing us (whatever that means) and yet we may still feel sadder and lonelier than ever. Today, I’d like you to assume the position of your young self (whether that’s a teenage version of you or a version in his, her, or their early twenties). I want you to listen to some of the love songs or read some of the love poetry you enjoyed back then and then I’d like you to have a conversation with you. I’d like you to ask your younger self about his/her/their hopes and dreams regarding love.