Big Book Club's "oh Boy, Tolstoy!"



Arlington VA Public Library is reading "War and Peace" in 14 weeks, and we're going to have a seriously good time while we do it.Each week on the podcast, librarians Jennie, Megan and Pete will ask or answer questions that come up during our Sunday Facebook discussion, drop pop culture references, talk to guest experts, and more.


  • We Have Many Feelings

    31/01/2019 Duration: 29min

    In which we have many feelings, especially about the importance of good footnotes and endnotes, as well as our disappointment in Fred, Lydgate, Mr. Garth and Casaubon. This week's references include: Folger Shakespeare Library Editions and "The Annotated Alice: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carroll, with added commentary by Martin Gardner and Mark Burstein. Palate cleansers: Megan - Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes (Netflix) Pete - Red Dead Redemption 2 (official gameplay video)    

  • Who ARE All of These People?

    22/01/2019 Duration: 29min

    What Makes a Book "Big"? We thought that because "Middlemarch" only weighs in at the 700-800 page range (compared to the 1200+ pages of "War and Peace"), there would somehow be less characters and relationships to keep track of... We were wrong. Luckily, other intrepid readers have come before us! Charles found and shared this hand drawn "Relationship Map of Middlemarch" posted by someone named Nickelini, on Photobucket.   This week's Palate cleansers - Pete - "The Library Book" by Susan Orlean, who will be at Central Library on February 20 for Arlington Reads. Megan - Mormom and the Meth-Head podcast Alex - "Lethal White" by Robert Galbraith

  • We Recover from our first Goodreads Discussion

    15/01/2019 Duration: 29min

    We recorded this week's podcast a day late due to a snowstorm, but nothing could stop our first Sunday night group discussion on Goodreads! Today we got to Tuesday-morning quarterback the discussion. Shownotes - is an education website aimed at students. The introduction and character analysis sections on Middlemarch are especially helpful, and entertaining. Any time you get behind in the reading, check out the chapter summary of Middlemarch. Palette cleansers - Pete - Oh Brother Where Art Thou Jennie - Brooklyn 99 Megan - Tidying Up With Marie Kondo (TV show) and "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo  

  • The Big Book Club starts "Middlemarch"

    08/01/2019 Duration: 24min

    Welcome back to the Big Book Club! In our introductory episode of Season 2, Jennie, Megan and Pete chat about the reading schedule for "Middlemarch" and the discussion format of this season's Big Book Club: We're reading for 3 weeks, and then taking a week off to catch up (and repeat) We're hosting 2 in person chats in the off weeks, for people who don't like online discussion We're holding the online discussion on Goodreads. It's a closed group, so if you haven't asked to join yet, do so before 8 p.m. on Sunday, if you want to take part in the conversation about chapters 1-9. We also share our feelings about introductory sentences, wonder what the prologue means, Megan schools us on how much of a badass George Eliot was (especially for a Victorian lady), and Alex makes big pronouncements about "Wuthering Heights." And of course we share our palate cleansers: Jennie - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, season 2 Pete - MAGFEST - the Music and Gaming Festival - and Super Art Fight - "The greatest live art competitio

  • Game of Books 1: Megan and Pete's Book Challenge

    14/12/2018 Duration: 18min

    A Big Book Club mini episode: A Rogue by Any Other Name vs. The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's the first in a new series of mini episodes about reading outside our comfort zones! Pete challenged Megan to read his very favorite book, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," by Douglas Adams... Megan challenged Pete to read one of her favorite beloved romances, "A Rogue by Any Other Name," by Sarah MacLean... Will prides be humbled? Will prejudices be confronted? Will there be lots of laughing? Listen to find out!   (The other Sarah MacLean series for which Jennie and Megan can't remember the name of the books is Love By Numbers.)

  • Teaser for The Big Book Club: Ides of Middlemarch

    27/11/2018 Duration: 01min

    Our Mission To tackle reading the fairly big book, "Middlemarch" while talking about it online (and cheering each other on when necessary). How to Participate Register now! Start reading by January 7 Read approximately 100 pages each week (see reading schedule) Chat online about the book Meetup in person during our two off weeks - if you want Finish "Middlemarch" by the middle of March... Chat About the Book Online Twitter - Vent or swoon throughout the week (depending on how you're feeling) using the #IdesOfMiddlemarch hashtag. Goodreads Group - Join us Sunday nights in the Ides of Middlemarch Group to chat with your librarian hosts and fellow readers: Jennie, Megan, Pete, and Alex. Listen to this Podcast - Download our mostly-weekly Ides of Middlemarch wrap-up. Librarians Jennie, Megan, Pete and special guests will discuss the reading and ask or answer questions that come up during the Sunday discussion.

  • Week 15 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    18/09/2018 Duration: 40min

    In which we try to figure out how we feel about "War and Peace" and why Tolstoy has such staying power. And Jennie sings ALL the songs. The Chinese proverb Jennie refers to is often translated as either: "Heaven is high and the emperor is far away" or "The mountains are high and the emperor is far away" (which the Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs actually compares to the Russian proverb "God is high above and the tsar is far away"). Kim Pine in "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" (also check out the graphic novels) Bridget Jones's Diary - Smug Marrieds   Palate cleansers - Megan - Harry Potter series, Anne of Green Gables series, and "Sierra Burgess is a Loser" on Netflix Jennie - reading the Cybils Award contenders, and "Making It" on Hulu Pete - playing video games: Donut County, Spider Man and Red Dead Redemption 2    

  • Week 14 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    09/09/2018 Duration: 22min

      Important Announcements! Vote now for the Big Book Club's Winter 2018/2019 book! The poll will remain open until the end of October. The War and Peace Survivors Party is scheduled for Sunday, September 30, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. We hope to see you there! RSVP if you think you can make it, so we know how many snacks to provide.   Palate Cleansers Megan - "My Life as a Goddess" - by Guy Branum Pete - "The Everything Box" by Richard Kadrey and "Room to Dream" by David Lynch Alex - "Sophia" Russian tv show, available on Amazon Prime  

  • Week 13 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    29/08/2018 Duration: 30min

      This week's references include: Waterloo - the upcoming battle in 1815, and the song by ABBA We think Tolstoy would have liked ABBA's fatalism... At Waterloo Napoleon did surrender Oh yeah And I have met my destiny in quite a similar way The history book on the shelf Is always repeating itself Waterloo I was defeated, you won the war Waterloo promise to love you for ever more Waterloo couldn't escape if I wanted to Waterloo knowing my fate is to be with you Waterloo finally facing my Waterloo 1812 Overture - written in 1880 by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky to commemorate Russia's defense of its fatherland against Napoleon's invasion in 1812. The overture debuted in Moscow on August 20, 1882, conducted by Ippolit Al'tani under a tent near the then-unfinished Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, which also memorialized the 1812 defense of Russia. Closer to the Apothecary than God:  Abortion in 17th Century England - What do we know about abortion in 18th century Russia? Not a lot,

  • Week 12 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    21/08/2018 Duration: 36min

    Which moments have been Pierre's worst? Is Tolstoy an unreliable narrator? Jennie heralds Gossip Girl's value in raising lexile levels! And Alex insists that what the 1812 Moscow fire really needs is zombies. This week's references include: Joseph Joffre, commander in chief of the French forces on the Western front during the initial stages of WW1, who, insisted on sticking to his usual schedule, even during battle. Pete learned about him in Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast episode, Blueprint for Armageddon 1 "Gossip Girl" by Cecily Von Zeigesar   Palate cleansers Megan is reading "Many Love" by Sophie Lucido Johnson, "The Clothes Make the Girl (Look Fat)?" by Brittany Gibbons, "Educated: a Memoir" by Tara Westover, and is watching Bored to Death. Pete is watching Disenchantment Jennie is watching early seasons of The Simpsons and is looking forward to reading Tessa Dare's new book, "The Governess Game." Alex is reading "Jell-O Girls" by Allie Rowbottom and "A Duke by Default" by Alyssa Cole.  

  • Week 11 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    15/08/2018 Duration: 27min

    Alex is back from Vermont and the gang's all together again! This week we tackle Pierre's near fatal observance of the Battle of Boradino, Tolstoy's retconning of relationships and deepening of his themes, why the serfs wouldn't let Marya leave her estate, and Andrei's dangerous bitey emotions. References include: "You're going to make it after all..." - Mary Tyler Moore opening The Chandelier Napoleon Gifted to Josephine - scene from the film "What a Girl Wants" "Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read but Probably Didn't" by John Atkinson   Palate cleansers: Megan - "So Close to Being the Sh*t, Y'all Don't Even Know" - Retta's Memoir Pete - "Hawkeye: Vol. 1 - My Life as a Weapon" by Matt Fraction and David Aja Jennie also recommends - "Patsy Walker, a.k.a. Hellcat!: Vol. 1, Hooked on a Feline" and "Hawkeye: Kate Bishop: Vol. 1, Anchor Points"  

  • Week 10 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    09/08/2018 Duration: 18min

    This week's episode, guest engineered by Pete, covers: plotty-plots, humans humaning, and the contrast between the philosophical aspects of the novel and the character growth.  References this episode: What is snuff? According to Encyclopedia Britannica, it's a form of powdered preparation of tobacco used by inhalation or by dipping that became widespread in the 18th century. Winter is coming - The tagline from the television show Game of Thrones, based on A Song of Fire and Ice. The Butterfly Effect - A concept where a small change in one place can create a big change elsewhere. Also a 2004 movie (Not, as Pete states, a documentary.) Palate cleansers - Megan - The film Back to the Future Jennie - James (the rock band) Pete - The film The Dark Knight

  • Week 9 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    02/08/2018 Duration: 27min

    A note about the sound - We had to record in a different room this week, which resulted in some funny acoustics and weird occasional noises. And Alex is getting over a cold, so there is occasional coughing... This week's references include: J-Lo's green Grammy dress Brief histories of Russian Ballet and Russian Opera from wikipedia Smokey and the Bandit (it's not really Smokey and the Bandit) Palate cleansers - Pete - Cowboy Bebop tv show Megan - Unreal tv show and "Spinning Silver" by Naomi Novik

  • Week 8 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    27/07/2018 Duration: 22min

    This week's references include: Tanic Acid as a clotting agent, or, Stop Bleeding, Heal Wounds, and Soothe Sunburns with a Tea Bag All kind of Scrying explained Mary Poppins carousel and fox hunt scene, and penguin dance scene. Palate cleansers: Megan - "American Panda" by Gloria Chao and "When Katie Met Cassidy" by Camille Perri Jennie - Parks and Recreation tv show  

  • Week 7 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    20/07/2018 Duration: 14min

    This week's episode guest produced and engineered by Pete. References! The opening ceremony of the Sochi Olympics - Russian commentary on this video seems to indicate that the ballet dancing is based on War and Peace, making it extra appropriate. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts exhibit: Napoleon: Power and Splendor Manic Pixie Dream Girls - Did Natasha establish this recurring character type? Or is it even older? The Homer Simpson/Honeymooners archetype of oafish husbands paired with attractive wives. Shade thrown at Pierre includes: "You're ruining my childhood" "Doesn't think women should be video game designers" "Has strong feelings about the new Star Wars movies" Shade listing is not comprehensive, but only because we couldn't find a safe-for-work description of fedora as an insult... That finger snap, though - One of the most iconic moments in comic book (and now cinema) history Palate cleansers Die Hard (Totally a Christmas movie. Sorry, Bruce.) Ina Garten’s Meatloaf Be Prepared by Vera Brosgol Cal

  • Week 6 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    12/07/2018 Duration: 25min

    This week's references include: Good Morning Vietnam! - a 1987 American comedy-drama war film. Set in Saigon in 1965, during the Vietnam War, the film stars Robin Williams as a radio DJ on Armed Forces Radio Service, who proves hugely popular with the troops, but infuriates his superiors with what they call his "irreverent tendency". The story is loosely based on the experiences of AFRS radio DJ Adrian Cronauer. Books in the Library collection about the history of Freemasons include: The Square and the Tower: networks and power, from the Freemasons to Facebook Freemasons: a history and exploration of the world's oldest secret society The Freemasons: Unlocking the 1000-Year-Old Mysteries of the Brotherhood: the Masonic rituals, codes, signs and symbols explained with over 200 photographs and illustrations Mozart's "The Magic Flute" National Treasure movies and Dan Brown novels Schoolhouse Rock - Lolly Lolly Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here Palate cleansers Pete - Ant Man and the Wasp Megan - Spider-man: Homecomi

  • Week 5 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    06/07/2018 Duration: 26min

    This week's especially silly references include:  From War and Peace - War and Peace (and Vampires) Regrets - A story about Sonya and Dolokhov, the ship that never did quite sail. War and Peace on Archive of Our Own - a different fanfiction website. Be aware that there are separate categories for the book, the 2016 BBC miniseries, and the musical, and that they don't always overlap. Sound of Music fanfic, "Older and Wiser" Palate cleansers Megan - True Blood, the tv show Pete - In honor of Pete's Red Sox tickets: new book "Tom Yawkey: patriarch of the Boston Red Sox" Jennie - Poprocket popdcast recommendation "Halt and Catch Fire" on Netflix Bonkers is the word of the summer.  

  • Week 4 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    28/06/2018 Duration: 23min

      Do you have feedback you want to share with us about The Big Book Club? We want to hear it! Email us at   This week's references include: Uruk hai - From the Lord of the Rings, the strongest species of Orc in Middle-earth (bad guys) Stolen by the Duke - There is no Regency romance by this name! There is a "Stolen by My Knave"... Air Jordans - a brand of basketball footwear and athletic clothing produced by Nike, created for former professional basketball player Michael Jordan.  "Tolstoy: A Russian Life" - Tolstoy's Biography Napoleon and Wellington - BBC Radio 4: In Our Time Emancipation Manifesto, (March 3 [Feb. 19, Old Style], 1861) - manifesto issued by the Russian emperor Alexander II that accompanied 17 legislative acts that freed the serfs of the Russian Empire. (The acts were collectively called Statutes Concerning Peasants Leaving Serf Dependence, or Polozheniya o Krestyanakh Vykhodyashchikh iz Krepostnoy Zavisimosty.) Palate cleansers: Megan - True Blood tv show / Sookie

  • Week 3 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    21/06/2018 Duration: 18min

    (This week we had some technical difficulties, so it sounds like we're recording from the bottom of a well. We apologize for any problems this may cause you in listening to the episode - we should be back to normal by next week!) This week's references include: - "Picture yourself as a writer in the middle of the 19th century. You’re wearing wool underwear (cause you can’t really afford the nice silk ones), sitting in your dark little room, the candlelight is flickering (still waiting on that Thomas Edison guy), and you’re holding a quill pen in your hand thinking about the blank page in front of you. Mostly, though, you’re really, really stressed out." Summer Reading Ted Ed videos and more on Napoleon: Why should you read Tolstoy's "War and Peace"? - Brendan Pelsue Ten Minute History - The French Revolution and Napoleon (Short Documentary) Where did Russia come from? - Alex Gendler Palate cleansers: Pete - Dragon Age Inquisition on PS4 Megan - "Text Me When You Get Home" Jennie - "America for B

  • Week 2 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!

    14/06/2018 Duration: 16min

    This week's references include: Thigh of Frightened Nymph apparently is still a color used to describe real things. The Super Luxe History of Pineapples from Mentalfloss Pineapple socks Our palette cleansers - Jennie - Watched "The Americans" finale, and was enjoying this "Who Said It: Philip and Elizabeth From The Americans or Philip and Elizabeth From The Crown?" quiz. Pete - Learning to do Burpees and Plankjacks at the gym, although he's not convinced they're real exercises. Megan - Continued her Avengers marathon with "Ant-Man," and has been knitting.  

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