Big Book Club's "oh Boy, Tolstoy!"

Week 7 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!



This week's episode guest produced and engineered by Pete. References! The opening ceremony of the Sochi Olympics - Russian commentary on this video seems to indicate that the ballet dancing is based on War and Peace, making it extra appropriate. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts exhibit: Napoleon: Power and Splendor Manic Pixie Dream Girls - Did Natasha establish this recurring character type? Or is it even older? The Homer Simpson/Honeymooners archetype of oafish husbands paired with attractive wives. Shade thrown at Pierre includes: "You're ruining my childhood" "Doesn't think women should be video game designers" "Has strong feelings about the new Star Wars movies" Shade listing is not comprehensive, but only because we couldn't find a safe-for-work description of fedora as an insult... That finger snap, though - One of the most iconic moments in comic book (and now cinema) history Palate cleansers Die Hard (Totally a Christmas movie. Sorry, Bruce.) Ina Garten’s Meatloaf Be Prepared by Vera Brosgol Cal