Big Book Club's "oh Boy, Tolstoy!"

Week 10 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!



This week's episode, guest engineered by Pete, covers: plotty-plots, humans humaning, and the contrast between the philosophical aspects of the novel and the character growth.  References this episode: What is snuff? According to Encyclopedia Britannica, it's a form of powdered preparation of tobacco used by inhalation or by dipping that became widespread in the 18th century. Winter is coming - The tagline from the television show Game of Thrones, based on A Song of Fire and Ice. The Butterfly Effect - A concept where a small change in one place can create a big change elsewhere. Also a 2004 movie (Not, as Pete states, a documentary.) Palate cleansers - Megan - The film Back to the Future Jennie - James (the rock band) Pete - The film The Dark Knight