Big Book Club's "oh Boy, Tolstoy!"

Week 4 of the Big Book Club: Oh Boy, Tolstoy!



  Do you have feedback you want to share with us about The Big Book Club? We want to hear it! Email us at   This week's references include: Uruk hai - From the Lord of the Rings, the strongest species of Orc in Middle-earth (bad guys) Stolen by the Duke - There is no Regency romance by this name! There is a "Stolen by My Knave"... Air Jordans - a brand of basketball footwear and athletic clothing produced by Nike, created for former professional basketball player Michael Jordan.  "Tolstoy: A Russian Life" - Tolstoy's Biography Napoleon and Wellington - BBC Radio 4: In Our Time Emancipation Manifesto, (March 3 [Feb. 19, Old Style], 1861) - manifesto issued by the Russian emperor Alexander II that accompanied 17 legislative acts that freed the serfs of the Russian Empire. (The acts were collectively called Statutes Concerning Peasants Leaving Serf Dependence, or Polozheniya o Krestyanakh Vykhodyashchikh iz Krepostnoy Zavisimosty.) Palate cleansers: Megan - True Blood tv show / Sookie