Show about personal finance and entrepreneurship. We discuss how to save money, how to make money and how to invest your money. We do dialogs and interviews with authors, bloggers, personal finance experts and entrepreneurs.
AG 24 Scott Alan Turner, from money moron to rock star
11/06/2018 Duration: 51min Scott Alan Turner was a money moron at one time in his life. He made many mistakes, but each time he made a mistake, he learned a lesson and applied those lessons to become a finance rock star. He started like most of us: Living paycheck to paycheck Accumulating credit card debt Buying a luxury car Gambling in the stock market And the big blow, buying a house he could not afford. Scott felt trapped in his conundrum and started looking for solutions. He started educating himself about reducing debt, saving money and investing. Eventually, he eliminated his debt, started earning more about money, became a better investor and by age 35 he declared himself financially independent. Let’s find out how he did it. Highlights from the interview Scott didn’t get much mentoring from his parents as he was growing up. His parents were not financially irresponsible but never took the time to teach him personal finance. When he got out of college he started facing some financia
AG 023 Bob Lai, building a dividend portfolio
04/06/2018 Duration: 56min Bob Lai is the host of the website He’s a personal blogger on a quest for happiness and financial independence. Bob Lai investment philosophy focuses on dividend & ETF investing, financial independence, early retirement, happiness, frugality, and finding the right personal balance between saving for the future and enjoying life today. Highlights from the interview Bob was fortunate because his parents started teaching him about investment since he was young. He started investing when he was in University. Graduated at the age of 24 with a degree in engineering. On 2011 he started devoting more time to investments. One of the early lessons Bob learned was to treat his credit card as if it was a debit card and never to miss a payment. Credit cards give an enormous amount of credit to young people to get them hooked on credit card debt. Some of those young people have little or no financial education and the easily fall prey of the credit card companies. Frug
AG 022 John Robertson: The Value of Simple
28/05/2018 Duration: 01h20min Who is John Roberson? Dr. Robertson is a scientist, writer, investor, teacher, and an all-around nice guy. He specializes in explaining complex topics – scientific or financial – for regular people. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario in Medical Biophysics, and he writes about personal finance in his blog Blessed by the Potato. Personal finance and investing have long been personal passions for John, and he has been an active part of the Canadian personal finance community for nearly a decade. In 2014 he published The Value of Simple to help investors move away from relying on commissioned sales staff to planning and investing on their own. The book focuses on helping people implement simple investment plans and get over behavioral pitfalls to success. He also has a course available to beginner do-it-yourself investors. Highlights from the interview Alain found out about John after listening to him in another podcast, Canad
AG 021 Shannon Lee Simmons: How to have Worry-Free Money
21/05/2018 Duration: 01h41s Shannon Lee Simmons is amazing. She is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Chartered Investment Manager (CIM), speaker, media personality, entrepreneur, personal finance expert, financial literacy advocate, and founder/owner of Toronto’s advice-only financial planning practice - New School of Finance, the educational hub for Canadians to get advice and learn about personal and small business finance. Worry-Free Money Worry Free Money Author of the book: Worry-Free Money: The guilt-free approach to managing your money and your life Shannon provides financial planning, cash management, portfolio assessment, tax planning and small business advice to professionals, small business owners, families, and retirees. Shannon was named one of Canada’s Top 30 Under 30, the 2014 Notable Award for Best In Finance and New School of Finance won the 2016 Wealth Professional Award for Digital Innovation. She appears as a financial expert in TV, an
AG 020 $9 Million on a Secretary's salary
13/05/2018 Duration: 28min The formula is simple. There is no magic around it. Spend less than you earn and invest the rest. Many times we attribute wealth to a well-paying career: computer science, medicine, law, etc. We attribute wealth to being a genius in the stock market. We try to find the secret sauce of wealth. We try to find the reason why others can have what we can not. The truth is that we live in North America, and people don’t have to have high paying careers to become millionaires. Everyone can do it, as long as you follow the formula: Spend less than you earn and invest the rest. This article is not about me, this article is about Sylvia Bloom, the secretary who had a $9 million fortune when she died. But I just want to mention very fast, that I have been living in North America for 20 years, I made my money as a dance teacher (not a lot of money) and within 20 years, I paid for my education, and I live as a retired person, I work when I want to,
AG 019 Millennial Revolution: Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung. Interview
07/05/2018 Duration: 01h05min Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung are two Canadians computer engineers who retired at age 31 and decided to go and travel the world. Kristy and Bryce (K-B) broke tradition when they decided NOT to buy an expensive property in Toronto. Instead, they decided to rent, save their money and plan their escape from the drudgery of a 9-to-5, 45-years serfdom. With the money they saved, they managed to build a 7 figure portfolio which they used to leave the rat race and enjoy life while they are still young. Highlights from the interview At the time of the interview, Kristy-Bryce (K-B) were in the Canary Islands (Spain) As Canadians, one of K-B goals is to live one whole year without seeing snow. While living in Toronto, they were under a lot of pressure from family and friends to buy a house, but Kristy noticed her colleagues were under a lot of stress at work just to keep up with the mortgage. At this point, K-B decided to rent and i
AG 018 Whitney Johnson, Build and A-Team. Interview
30/04/2018 Duration: 40minDo you want to build an A-Team? Whitney Johnson, with over twenty years of coaching, investing and consulting, take us by the hand and share her knowledge on how to build an A-Team. In this interview, we speak about: Whitney’s life as a Wall Street equity analyst Speaking tips for people who would like to improve their speaking skills ( I am talking to you fellow Toastmasters) Her podcast Disrupt Yourself Her book Dare, Dream, Do Her book Disrupt Yourself And her latest book to be released May 1st, Build an A-Team. Ther first time I heard about Whitney was in a podcast where she was talking about her new book at the time Dare, Dream, Do. Everything she said was so obvious, so clear, yet the ideas were expressed in a way that all the information seemed completely new and fresh. Since then I have been following Whitney. Highlights of the podcast with Whitney Johnson Her first job in New York was as a secretary At work, she heard the phrase “throw down your pom poms and get in the game” so much that she de
AG 017 Doug Nordman, The Military Guide
23/04/2018 Duration: 52min I have been listening to different podcasts for about 10 years now. I remember, long time ago, I heard an amazing story ( I will retell it now) about a retired submarine pilot and how he was financially independent after his 20 years of service. Little did I know that one day, I would interview Doug Nordman creator of the blog The Military Guide. Conversation with Dough Nordman, the Military Guide. Dough retired at age 41 (in 2002), after 20 years with the U.S. Navy’s submarine force. After retirement from active duty, Dough assumed that he would need to find a “real” job, like everybody else. After a few years of research Dough realized that his portfolio income, and his pension, would be enough to replace his military salary. He wouldn’t be rich but we would be financially independent. Throughout the years Dough and his wife have always lived a frugal life. In his journey to learning about investments, Dough made the usual financial mistakes. He invested in individu
AG 016 Interview with Smile If You Dare
15/04/2018 Duration: 49min In this interview, I talk to an anonymous person. He calls himself "Smile If You Dare." On my effort to get to know other personal finance bloggers, I reached out and I asked Smile If You Dare for an interview. I was pleasantly surprised. Here are the highlights of the interview. Smile If You Dare Interview Highlights Smile If You Dare (From now on "SIYD") wants to share his experience on what is it like to live in retirement and how living in retirement affects his financial life. In his younger years, he never thought about money. Apart from contributing to his 401 (k) and IRA, where he would make contributions, he would spend the rest of his money. He would eat out every week day and on weekends, look for other ways to spend his money. Fortunately, SIYD contributed the maximum limit of his 401 (k) every year. The change in his life came about when he met a woman, fell in love and got married. His perspective on life changed. He started thinking about the futu
AG 015 Interview with Justin Chidester, Certified Financial Planner at Wealth Mode
08/04/2018 Duration: 55min As I was doing some research on the Internet, I stumbled upon the website Wealth Mode | Financial Planning run by Justin Chidester, a fee-only, Certified Financial Planner. I liked his point of view, his voice, and his explanations and I asked him for an interview. Here are the highlights of our interview Justin started his firm Wealth Mode, in October 2016 He focuses on young professionals and families He lives in Logan, Utah, but most of his work is done virtually This is the Blog post that Justin wrote to declare to the whole world that he was becoming a fee-only Financial Planner. From his childhood, Justin felt that he was a human service oriented individual and he wanted to do something to help out the general public He discovered that the standard financial planning careers based on pushing financial products, life insurances, mutual funds, etc. was not what he was hoping for. He became an Accredited Financial Counsel with the
AG 014 Interview with Greg Johnson, from of Club Thrifty
01/04/2018 Duration: 41min Greg and Holly Johnson are the creators of Club Thrifty, a website focused on living within your means while traveling and discovering the world. They are happily married parents, with two gorgeous daughters, they are in their late thirties and they are living the dream. Here are some highlights of the interview Greg and Holly worked for about 10 years in the funeral industry making a decent living, but they were spending all their money. They didn’t know where was the money going. One day, they decided to start tracking all their expenses to figure out where was their money going. They discovered that one of their biggest expenses was eating out. Out of frustration, they created the zero-sum budget. We spoke about saving money to pay the future “you”. Imagine that 20 year’s from now you have to pay a debt to the future you. A big debt. You start putting money away as you do to pay any other expense and then when you meet the future you at retirement, you pay that de
AG 013 Interview with Jeff Kreisler
24/03/2018 Duration: 39minJeff Kreisler is a man of many talents. He's an attorney, an author, a speaker, and above all, he's a comedian. In this instance, we spoke about his new book "Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter" which he co-wrote with behavior economist Dr. Dan Ariely. Listen to the podcast.
AG 012 Dealing with a divorce
21/03/2018 Duration: 15minGetting a divorce can be one of the most stressful financial situations you confront in your life. Here are a few suggestions on how to deal with it.
AG 11 Interview with J. Money from Budgets are Sexy
19/03/2018 Duration: 01h22sJ. Money is the person behind the successful blog Budgets are Sexy. We explore the world of personal finance blogging and we discuss how the listeners can improve their personal finance lives.
AG 10 which one to chose? RRSP or TFSA
17/03/2018 Duration: 22minCanadians are faced with the decision of investing in RRSPs or TFSA. In this episode, we explain both of them and we suggest strategies you could implement today.
AG. 009 The Millionaired Educator. Going from $-45K to $1,000,000
09/03/2018 Duration: 48minOn their early 30s, Ed Mills and his wife had $45,000 in student debt and both of their cars were finished. Along with their marriage, they added a new member to their family, their son. Ed Mills recounts how he went from -$45,000 to over $1,000,000
AG 008 Asset allocation, Bonds Vs Stocks
04/03/2018 Duration: 09minMost financial planners and financial books tell us that we should have more bonds as we grow older. But be careful of blanket statements. Rules of thumb don't apply to everyone.
AG 007 The $1,000 wedding.
26/02/2018 Duration: 27minThe wedding industry is huge. When you add the engagement ring, the bands, and the whole thing, you could expect to spend over $40,000. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you want to, you could spend as little as $1,000. You don't have to follow the social script. You could write your own narrative, with your own values within your own budget.
AG 006 Interview with B. J. Mendelson about his book "Privacy"
24/02/2018 Duration: 36minB.J. Mendelson is a keynote speaker and author. His books include Social Media Is Bullshit and Privacy: And How We Can Get It Back. We talk about how our privacy is continuously violated by the government and by big internet companies.
Homage to Ikea founder
19/02/2018 Duration: 13minMr. Ingvar Kamprand was an entrepreneur since age 10. At age 17 he started Ikea. He was to the furniture business what Heri Ford was to the automobile industry. He made furniture that was accessible to everyone. We also learned a great deal from his frugal lifestyle.