Alain Guillot Show | Personal Finance And Entrepreneurship

AG 023 Bob Lai, building a dividend portfolio


Synopsis Bob Lai is the host of the website He’s a personal blogger on a quest for happiness and financial independence. Bob Lai investment philosophy focuses on dividend & ETF investing, financial independence, early retirement, happiness, frugality, and finding the right personal balance between saving for the future and enjoying life today. Highlights from the interview Bob was fortunate because his parents started teaching him about investment since he was young. He started investing when he was in University. Graduated at the age of 24 with a degree in engineering. On 2011 he started devoting more time to investments. One of the early lessons Bob learned was to treat his credit card as if it was a debit card and never to miss a payment. Credit cards give an enormous amount of credit to young people to get them hooked on credit card debt. Some of those young people have little or no financial education and the easily fall prey of the credit card companies. Frug