Alain Guillot Show | Personal Finance And Entrepreneurship

AG 016 Interview with Smile If You Dare


Synopsis In this interview, I talk to an anonymous person. He calls himself "Smile If You Dare." On my effort to get to know other personal finance bloggers, I reached out and I asked Smile If You Dare for an interview. I was pleasantly surprised. Here are the highlights of the interview. Smile If You Dare Interview Highlights Smile If You Dare (From now on "SIYD") wants to share his experience on what is it like to live in retirement and how living in retirement affects his financial life. In his younger years, he never thought about money. Apart from contributing to his 401 (k) and IRA, where he would make contributions, he would spend the rest of his money. He would eat out every week day and on weekends, look for other ways to spend his money. Fortunately, SIYD contributed the maximum limit of his 401 (k) every year. The change in his life came about when he met a woman, fell in love and got married. His perspective on life changed. He started thinking about the futu