Alain Guillot Show | Personal Finance And Entrepreneurship

AG 020 $9 Million on a Secretary's salary


Synopsis The formula is simple. There is no magic around it. Spend less than you earn and invest the rest. Many times we attribute wealth to a well-paying career: computer science, medicine, law, etc. We attribute wealth to being a genius in the stock market. We try to find the secret sauce of wealth. We try to find the reason why others can have what we can not. The truth is that we live in North America, and people don’t have to have high paying careers to become millionaires. Everyone can do it, as long as you follow the formula: Spend less than you earn and invest the rest. This article is not about me, this article is about Sylvia Bloom, the secretary who had a $9 million fortune when she died. But I just want to mention very fast, that I have been living in North America for 20 years, I made my money as a dance teacher (not a lot of money) and within 20 years, I paid for my education, and I live as a retired person, I work when I want to,