Healthy Diet | Nutrition | Alternative Health | Health Information | Healthy Living | Life Enthusiast



We have reduced the Principles of Wellness to this:Cleanse stop ingesting toxins, and get rid of the ones you already have.Nourish make sure your body receives all necessary nutrients.Exercise stretch and strengthen under load we are meant to be active.Balance sleep is required, and so is spiritual practice.Each week we discuss how you can improve your health and vitality. Join us.


  • Friendly Bacteria Equals Healthy and Thriving Body | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #262

    14/11/2011 Duration: 31min

    Keep your "inner body" healthy. Since 1981, more than 20,000 people have consumed Life Science SBO Probiotic formulas. Over time, they bred superior strains of the SBOs that produced positive reactions such as: more satisfying bowel movements improved sleep patterns fewer colds and flu greater amounts of energy. The soil-based organisms have been useful for the healing of some really serious illnesses. In an average of ninety days following their ingestion, specific morbid states for which the soil-based organisms have been taken by sick patients strictly as adjunctive healing agents, positive therapeutic results have been observed and reported anecdotally by both patients and doctors. At the turn of the 20th century, nobel laureate Elias Metchnikoff, PhD discovered many immune system components, and he saw the direct correlation between health, longevity, and the proper balance of beneficial microorganisms in the body. Have you noticed the renewed interest in microbes, probably due to antibiotic-resistant

  • Ormus Success Stories | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #261

    10/11/2011 Duration: 24min

    An ancient, natural product that provides nourishment for your mind, body and soul, with scientific support. Restoration of Youth and Vitality, Anti-Aging Specialty Sacrament, Elixir, Spiritual Manna Amplifies Medicinal Plants and Salves Fuel Cells, Superconductivity, Alchemy Cell Regeneration, Medicinal Applications Ultimate Crop, Cattle and Produce Fertilizer Metaphysical, ESP & Paranormal Awakening Enhanced Performance, Health, and Lifestyle Fuels the Instant Manifestation of Thought Nuclear Radiation Shield and Protection Fertility, Impotency and Libido Quantum Sciences, Starnation Technologies

  • Sacred Tobacco and Heritage Seeds | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #260

    07/11/2011 Duration: 33min

    David Pilz of OmHaven shares his experiences with ancient tobacco seeds, sacred herbs, and the best way to take Ormus. "This tobacco plant was lovingly grown with OmMANNA ORMUS GOLD FERTILIZER. The seed came out of a pouch that was on the hip of a guy who was found frozen in an ice cap. Researchers distributed a few seeds to a variety of different growers and growing environments to attempt to resurrect the strain. OmHaven Ranch used OmMANNA Fertilizer and was of the few to bring the ancient seedling back to life. "The other successful grow attempts were reported to also have supplemented with another ORMUS GOLD variation. Humanity has been gifted a powerful gift in the return of these sacred tobacco energies ... at this time when our environment seems to becoming so increasingly dangerous to life, it's nice to know mother nature also provides some aid to balance things."

  • Is Poor Health Normal? Probiotics | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #259

    04/11/2011 Duration: 22min

    AMERICANS SEEM TO ACCEPT POOR HEALTH AS A NORMAL consequence of aging, while many experience poor health while still young. Meanwhile, researchers continue to gather evidence affirming the importance of the gut to overall health. More and more health professionals believe there is life and death in the long hollow tube called the "gastrointestinal tract." Dr. C. Everett Koop, former U.S. Surgeon General, indicated two out of three Americans suffer fatal health problems because of poor dietary choices. That means their problems are centered in their "gut": What we eat may affect our risk for several of the leading causes of death for Americans, notably, coronary heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and some types of cancer. These disorders together now account for more than two-thirds of all deaths in the United States.' The term Probiotic comes from Greek words meaning "for life," and refers to organisms such as the bacteria which contribute to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. The

  • Money and Spirit | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #258

    02/11/2011 Duration: 34min

    What is the value of money? When it comes to spiritual value, should they pay? Can you have it both ways? Be a spiritual being on this world and live a abundant lifestyle? A discourse on spirituality and teaching with David Pilz. Learn more about Om and Ormus: An ancient, natural product that provides nourishment for your mind, body and soul, with scientific support. Restoration of Youth and Vitality, Anti-Aging Specialty Sacrament, Elixir, Spiritual Manna Amplifies Medicinal Plants and Salves Fuel Cells, Superconductivity, Alchemy Cell Regeneration, Medicinal Applications Ultimate Crop, Cattle and Produce Fertilizer Metaphysical, ESP & Paranormal Awakening Enhanced Performance, Health, and Lifestyle Fuels the Instant Manifestation of Thought Nuclear Radiation Shield and Protection Fertility, Impotency and Libido Quantum Sciences, Starnation Technologies Anti-aging from the inside out!

  • The Arc of the Covenant and Ormus | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #257

    31/10/2011 Duration: 34min

    Ormus is about to become THE very thing people need for basic first aid and potentially survival. Radiated people and radiated seeds don't grow .. that spells serious trouble for the masses. The 'Health' portion of the Heath & Beauty portions of the ORMUS industry is about to increase disproportionally ...   This is an extraordinary opportunity to make a significant difference in everyone's lives right now ... people NEED this stuff and they don't even know it. Lets spread the good word.

  • Flu Season | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #256

    28/10/2011 Duration: 33min

    Cold and Flu viruses first grow on your respiratory tract, and most medications have to be taken orally, then work their way into your bloodstream in order to work. This uses up valuable time while the virus grows. FluSTOP is significantly different in that it is sprayed to the back of the throat where it attacks the virus directly. It wraps around the virus and prevents it from replicating. The Chinese have been studying herbs for thousands of years and know what works. And now because of scientific research (and millions of testimonies) we know the actions of the herbs are true. The inventor of this product has made it his life's work and found just the right combination. With this particular combination, Professor D.S. Liu, PhD, inventor and one of China's leading viral scientists, worked long and hard to find just the right combination. Clinical Trials A clinical trial proved that there was an 82.9% cure rate withi

  • Move Heaven and Earth in Your Life | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 255

    27/10/2011 Duration: 40min

    Become both more grounded and more open at the same time. Support your energetic connection with above and below, through the mineral based information source. The intent of Heaven and Earth is to reconnect all levels of the human frame to each other in a way that will facilitate communication from level to level, nurturing, balancing and stabilizing further development. Above means a higher harmonic or dimension of information that holds the preexisting patterns for replication, for life for optimal form. Everything in nature has a higher dimensional aspect. Few are aware of it as a perception or conscious part of life. But in recent times the higher aspects of reality have moved from the realm of religion into a new kind of scientific dialogue in which quantum physics, the Field, morphogenic fields, higher consciousness, and related terms are used. The names may be new but the origins of these ideas are deep in prehistory.

  • White Star and Native Traditions Part Two | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 254

    24/10/2011 Duration: 18min

    The OmHaven Ranch's mindset is based on earth friendly ecology, agri-tourism, ecological protection and restoration, environmentalism, green lifestyles, self sustainability, non-timber wildcrafting, metaphysical development, reiki, yoga and more. We were previously Certified Organic by NOOA and still walk the talk. OmHaven Ranch is a proud member of the BC Environmental Farm Plan initiative. OmHaven Ranch is also home to the OmHaven Institute Society which is a nonprofit training institute with a mandate to openly collaborate towards an environmentally sound planet. OmHaven Heritage Seed Bank We are proud to facilitate the OmHaven Heritage Seed Bank, focused on storing and evolving heritage seed preservation, specifically sacred and ritual herbs. OmGardens Organic Heritage seeds planted into a variety of garden beds, produce, wild-crafted crops, field crops and with all of the right empowerment symbols, OmManna ORMUS Gold Fertilizers and

  • White Star and Native Traditions Part One | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 253

    20/10/2011 Duration: 32min

    OmManna ORMUS Gold is birthed and harvested right at the very source of its creation, as pure monatomic gold to be shared with humanity as an aid and response to current environmental conditions. This naturally occurring white gold is found deep within the very heart of Mount Ida, on the sacred lands of OmHaven Ranch and Star Nation Ceremony Grounds. All the evidence, science and validity of the proven value of Monotomic Elements extracted mechanically from the Ocean salts, Corral, and Pearl for example, is undeniable to any researcher, and common sense dictates that birthing the MANNA right at the very original source creates a purer, cleaner, more powerful and more vital version of ORMES. Many historical contraindications are eliminated by harvesting right at the very source. Read more here: ORMUS Gold is gold that is divided into a single and then double ato

  • The End of Shame | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 252

    17/10/2011 Duration: 35min

    Shame produces a strong negative pull on your consciousness to draw into your life many unwanted and painful manifestations. This product will help you clear the vibration and break the link that pulls you into manifesting more of what you are trying to move away from, leave behind so that you can live your life to your design, not as the consequence of some unwise choices you have made in the past. Learn more about releasing Shame: The most common limiting emotions are low self esteem, fear, guilt and shame. They are the primary limiters of our success. They bring out the worst in people. When you raise self esteem, remove fear - the mind killer, take away guilt, and take away shame, you will become a much more functional, happier, more successful human being, and ultimately live in a better world. Everyone wants success at life, everyone wants the good life. What prevents us from achieving our goals, what is it that limits us? Shame: Everyone wants

  • Homeopathy and Healing | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 251

    13/10/2011 Duration: 28min

    A natural, gentle body cleanse... the starting point for your road to better health. Preparing Essence supports your body's innate healing ability for detoxing to remove accumulated toxins and pollution from today's living environment. It's like making good before decorating. Delivers the synergised energy signature ingredients of over 90 nutrients you need on a daily basis (including Aloe Vera, Chinese and Western herbs, pure essential oils, probiotics, spices), and important nutrition used in complementary therapy to support your capacity to adapt to the stresses of life. 80% of your immune system lives in your gut and a healthy gut holds the vital roots of our health. Detoxing supports a well functioning digestive system, essential for the ingestion of vital nutrition. Preparing Essence is followed by your selection of Caring Remedy tocomplete the "Eight Weeks to a Better You" program. The brainchild of Michael Riley and Jane Fletcher, t

  • Metabolic Typing | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 251

    12/10/2011 Duration: 53min

    Ignore your biological individuality at your peril. Metabolic Typing answers the questions that puzzle most mainstream health practitioners. Martin Pytela describes how you can learn to understand your own and how you can apply this knowledge to create health in your life. Once you understand which foods make you healthy and foods make you sick, it will be easy to maintain your health. It is important to know that what makes one person well makes another one sick. Find out what is right for you.

  • Steve Jobs RIP | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 250

    06/10/2011 Duration: 41min

    Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind Apple's iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes, has died, Apple said. Jobs was 56.  Jobs co-founded Apple Computer in 1976 and, with his childhood friend Steve Wozniak, marketed what was considered the world's first personal computer, the Apple II. He was also co-founded PIXAR. In 2004, he beat back an unusual form of pancreatic cancer, and in 2009 he was forced to get a liver transplant. After several years of failing health, Jobs announced on Aug. 24, 2011 that he was stepping down as Apple's chief executive. A "One-Size-Fits-All" Approach to health does not work. Health is a wonderful possession. It does not last forever — although most of us assume it will. It is not until we lose our health that we seek diligently to regain it. Often it is too late, and always too expensive.

  • Sour Food, Fermented Foods, Super Health! | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 249

    21/09/2011 Duration: 31min

    All of the nutrients coming from whole foods would by nature contain major antioxidants, tissue alkalizers, Friendly Microbes (+LAB), Amino Acids, Enzymes, Vitamins, Minerals, & Essential Fatty Acids. Friendly Microbes (+LAB) means that it's sourced from the food in which the product is made, and the true form in which we should get our good bacteria. Friendly, living bacteria repopulate the lining of your GI Tract and help to cleanse away toxic buildup. Years of study and billions of dollars have been spent on trying to find out why we humans have been getting sick since we started cooking our food. It's because cooking your food kills life-giving enzymes and increases your potential for ill health. "Enzyme-deficient bodies are prime targets for cancer, obesity, heart disease, or other degenerative problems." - Dr. Edward Howell (Enzyme Nutrition) Lacto-Fermentation breaks down whole foods, to the very essence of their construction. We call this "predigested" and it's done with friendly microbes so tha

  • Healthy Blood | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 248

    15/09/2011 Duration: 27min

    How to have healthy blood. Think of the internal fluids of your body as your own "internal ocean." By replenishing your original fluid balance with Quinton Marine Plasma, your "ocean" works better – similar to how soil needs minerals, enzymes, and healthy bacteria in order to support new life. Unlike so many marginal health products boasting hollow claims, Quinton Marine Plasma has been a recognized medicine in Europe for 75 years with a broad range clinical capability. Quintessential 0.9 is the only raw, organic, unheated ocean mineral and trace element source specifically composed to replenish our biological terrain. Raw, organic, ocean minerals Trace elements, marine cofactorsCold sterilized, micro-filtered Modern physiologists often regard the human biological terrain (Bioterrain) as the body's true master operating system. This amazingly complex network of fluids was established over billions of years of life's evolution in the sea. Through the abuses of modern diet, lifestyle and disharmony the Bi

  • Om and Manna for Spiritual Growth | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #247

    08/09/2011 Duration: 31min

    OmHaven OmManna ORMUS Gold An ancient, natural product that provides nourishment for your mind, body and soul, with scientific support. Restoration of Youth and Vitality, Anti-Aging Specialty Sacrament, Elixir, Spiritual Manna Amplifies Medicinal Plants and Salves Fuel Cells, Superconductivity, Alchemy Cell Regeneration, Medicinal Applications Ultimate Crop, Cattle and Produce Fertilizer Metaphysical, ESP & Paranormal Awakening Enhanced Performance, Health, and Lifestyle Fuels the Instant Manifestation of Thought Nuclear Radiation Shield and Protection Fertility, Impotency and Libido Quantum Sciences, Starnation Technologies White Star, David (The Oracle) Pilz introduces OmHaven Ranch, the location for the ongoing spiritual teaching documentary series from the famous OmHaven Ranch, located in Okanagan, BC, Canada. Ormus Gold It is the legendary white gold powder used since before ancient

  • Mercury Retrograde and Almonds | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #246

    31/08/2011 Duration: 24min

    Riots? Enzyme inhibitors? Things not working properly? Could be Mercury Retrograde. Almonds are considered, by nutritionists, to be the healthiest, most nutritious nuts of all. Almonds are a rich source of protein containing fiber, omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, and zinc. Almonds are also difficult to digest because of an enzyme inhibiting substance in their brown coating. All almonds have the protective brown skin which contains the harmful tannic acid and enzyme inhibitors. Soaking removes harmful tannic acid and enzyme inhibitors making the nuts easy to digest and releasing their full nutritional value. Soaking also makes the nut softer and easier to chew.

  • More Enlightenment - Less Illness? | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #245

    24/08/2011 Duration: 36min

    What are Nano Minerals? How is it highly charged? How is it accomplished?What is Ormus Mineral Complex? How do we know it works? How are Theraputic Messages put into the products? Do people with physical health problems receive benefits? If our thoughts impact the structure of water, what happens when we switch from thinking Love thoughts to less Enlightened thought? Probably become negative. But if Ormus is added to the water, it holds the positive energy. Ormus: the Shaman Medicine.    You can acquire more energy or Chi through proper practise. One way to acquire it is via highly charged Nano minerals.

  • Are You Resonating "Conditional Self-Esteem" or "Love"? | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #244

    17/08/2011 Duration: 34min

    Why is Conditional Self-Esteem important? Happiness doesn't depend on anything outside ourselves. Smart Mineral products affect your vibration, clear your emotional fields by changing the resonance with which you are interacting with the universe. Guilt produces a strong negative pull on your emotions to draw into your life many unwanted and undeserved manifestations. This product will help you clear the vibration and break the link that pulls you into manifesting more of what you are trying to move away from, leave behind so that you can live your life to your design, not as the consequence of some unwise choices you have made in the past. What are Levels of Consciousness? What level are we at? Professor Farrell S. Brenner shares his scales of Consciousness. There is no doubt that we live in "interesting times" of extraordinary challenge. For example, geo-scientists say that global warming is a massive threat. Biologists say that entire species ar

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