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The End of Shame | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 252



Shame produces a strong negative pull on your consciousness to draw into your life many unwanted and painful manifestations. This product will help you clear the vibration and break the link that pulls you into manifesting more of what you are trying to move away from, leave behind so that you can live your life to your design, not as the consequence of some unwise choices you have made in the past. Learn more about releasing Shame: The most common limiting emotions are low self esteem, fear, guilt and shame. They are the primary limiters of our success. They bring out the worst in people. When you raise self esteem, remove fear - the mind killer, take away guilt, and take away shame, you will become a much more functional, happier, more successful human being, and ultimately live in a better world. Everyone wants success at life, everyone wants the good life. What prevents us from achieving our goals, what is it that limits us? Shame: Everyone wants