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Money and Spirit | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #258



What is the value of money? When it comes to spiritual value, should they pay? Can you have it both ways? Be a spiritual being on this world and live a abundant lifestyle? A discourse on spirituality and teaching with David Pilz. Learn more about Om and Ormus: An ancient, natural product that provides nourishment for your mind, body and soul, with scientific support. Restoration of Youth and Vitality, Anti-Aging Specialty Sacrament, Elixir, Spiritual Manna Amplifies Medicinal Plants and Salves Fuel Cells, Superconductivity, Alchemy Cell Regeneration, Medicinal Applications Ultimate Crop, Cattle and Produce Fertilizer Metaphysical, ESP & Paranormal Awakening Enhanced Performance, Health, and Lifestyle Fuels the Instant Manifestation of Thought Nuclear Radiation Shield and Protection Fertility, Impotency and Libido Quantum Sciences, Starnation Technologies Anti-aging from the inside out!