Healthy Diet | Nutrition | Alternative Health | Health Information | Healthy Living | Life Enthusiast



We have reduced the Principles of Wellness to this:Cleanse stop ingesting toxins, and get rid of the ones you already have.Nourish make sure your body receives all necessary nutrients.Exercise stretch and strengthen under load we are meant to be active.Balance sleep is required, and so is spiritual practice.Each week we discuss how you can improve your health and vitality. Join us.


  • Rejuvenate Your Health | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #56

    03/03/2008 Duration: 33min

    digg_url = ''; Biological Therapeutics Rejuvenate Unparalleled Anti-Aging Benefits in Cell Rejuvenation Therapy The Key to Consistent Health and Longevity This complete micronutrient supplement is an advanced and effective electrolyte and oxygen formula with the amazing ability to balance physical, electrical, biological, chemical, emotional, and psychological aspects of your life. Advanced formula for cell rejuvenation is based on a combination of ancient wisdom and modern technology. It's mineral, oxygen and nutritional components are formulated with a unique nutrient delivery system, providing optimal nutrient absorption to your cells. Benefits seen with Rejuvenate: # boost your energy # reverse cell damage # rejuvenate your natural production of enzymes # support your immune system # pomotes youthful aging. Rejuvenate's’s advanced formula offers immunological support and is one of the most powerful antioxidants and free radical sc

  • Rejuvenate™ Yourself | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #55

    22/02/2008 Duration: 27min

    digg_url = ''; Miracle II Liquid Soap This Liquid Soap is exceptionally versatile. By varying the dilution, Miracle II Liquid Soap can perform diverse jobs such as: # cleansing & healing the human & animal body (internally & externally), # household, industrial and institutional cleaning & deodorizing, # fertilizing house plants, gardens and field crops, # cleaning up industrial oil spills. Add to your bathing routine to cleanse, detoxify, relieve muscle & joint pain, and eliminate body odor. Take internally or apply topically for healing of skin problems such as acne, age spots, stretch marks & scars, bed sores, and rashes (e.g. chicken pox, poison ivy). Also very effective treating head lice and parasites. Wonderful as a shampoo and body wash for normal or oily skin and hair. MIracle II Soap Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on over 25 years in stu

  • Natural Health Defense | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #54 Part 3

    20/02/2008 Duration: 38min

    digg_url = ''; Natural Cellular Defense, or NCD, is made of a non toxic mineral called zeolite. It removes heavy metals & other toxins by capturing them in its honey-comb like structure. It also interferes with viral cell replication. NCD is easy to take - you simply take it with a glass of water, or take it with any beverage, or on your food. You can take it anytime, with anything, with no exceptions. For more information: Natural Cellular Defense Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on over 25 years in study, health consultations and market research in the field of holistic and alternative medicine. We deliver solid time tested expertise. We are in this business not for the money, but for the passion, we have for sharing with others what we had to learn the hard way, through experience. We focus on high quality, innovative holistic solutions. Length:

  • Waiora | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #53

    06/02/2008 Duration: 19min

    digg_url = ''; Waiora Natural Cellular Defense For centuries, the powdered forms of specific zeolites have been used as traditional remedies throughout Asia to promote overall health and well being. The story of the "volcanic rocks" has been passed down from generation-to-generation as more and more people have experienced its life-changing benefits. Natural clinoptilolite / zeolite, 300 drops, or 100 servings. Zeolites are natural volcanic minerals with an unique, complex crystalline structure. It's honeycomb framework of cavities and channels (like cages) works at the cellular level trapping, heavy metals and toxins. In fact, because it is one of the few negatively charged minerals in nature, zeolites act as magnets drawing toxins to it, capturing them in its cage and removing them from the body. * Supports a healthy immune system. * Helps remove heavy metals, toxins and other substances from the body. * Helps balance pH

  • Prostate, PMS and Iodine | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #52

    31/01/2008 Duration: 29min

    digg_url = ''; SuperNutrient Corp Sea Plant Minerals Important Phytonutrients to support your Endocrine System Natural Organic energetically potentialized Laminaria Digitata Vitamin & Mineral Supplement Control Your Metabolism: Organic Iodine feeds your thyroid gland, which controls metabolism and promotes maturation of the nervous system. Disinfect Your Blood: Iodine is also the main natural disinfecting agent in our body. Every 15 minutes, all of your blood goes through that small organ - the thyroid gland. Prevent Cardiovascular Disease: Laminarin is a polysaccharide that is helpful in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It helps to balance coagulation of blood. Detoxify From Heavy Metals: Alginate is a natural absorbent of radioactive elements, heavy metals, and free radicals. It has the unique ability of binding heavy metals and radioactive elements to its own molecules. Because the Alginate cannot be broken

  • Natural Cellular Defense | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #51

    23/01/2008 Duration: 34min

    digg_url = ''; Natural Cellular Defense Natural Cellular Defense, or NCD, is made of a non toxic mineral called zeolite. It removes heavy metals & other toxins by capturing them in its honey-comb like structure. It also interferes with viral cell replication. NCD is easy to take - you simply take it with a glass of water, or take it with any beverage, or on your food. You can take it anytime, with anything, with no exceptions. Zeolite is one of the few negatively charged minerals in nature. Zeolites are natural volcanic minerals with a unique, complex crystalline structure. The honeycomb framework of cavities and channels (like cages) is negatively charged and small enough to work at the cellular level, trapping positively charged heavy metals and toxins by cation exchange, it’s negative charge locking with the positively charged heavy metals and toxins, and locking them into its framework. After this, they are safely and quickly removed

  • Zoetein | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #50

    22/01/2008 Duration: 36min

    digg_url = ''; ZoeTein, SuperFood-Grade Protein Establishes Appetite Control This protein-rich SuperFood reduces your desire for nutritionally empty, chemically processed, life-draining high-cholesterol, low-enzyme, SAD (Standard American Diet) foods. Your body has a natural hunger for high-quality protein and will drive you to eat & eat & eat, until you provide it. So, just provide it. A daily supply of ZoeTein will typically provide a better balance, spectrum, and amount of genuinely utilizable protein than an expensive, nutritionist-crafted & balanced, vegetarian meal. ZoeTein, SuperFood-Grade Protein Muscle Support = Fat Loss The more SuperFood-quality protein your muscles get, the more efficient they become in burning fat and giving you maximum fat loss out of your exercise and activities - and even during resting. The sad fact is, in the stampede to lose weight America has lost sight of the real goal which is to get and stay he

  • Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #48

    02/01/2008 Duration: 29min

    digg_url = ''; Zoetein Control Appetite - Build Muscle - Burn Fat Strengthen Cells & Tissues Nutritionally Bolster Immune Function ... and to add delicious rich flavor & body to your favorite smoothies. Set in a full-spectrum of dozens of protein and enzyme synergists, ZoeTein is the very best natural, raw and organic protein powder blend. It contains abundant material for the building, repair & maintenance of cells, and immune resistance. This SuperFood-grade protein feeds your body, while slashing the junk food appetite, encouraging safe and natural fat loss. It is superior for immune support, cellular healing and tissue repair. And it supports and enhances enzyme activity for your liver and entire body. The ZoeTein formula includes numerous protein synergists, which specificly help the protein utilization processes deep within your body's cells. These protein synergists include amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, probiotic

  • Surviving the Christmas Dinner | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #47

    20/12/2007 Duration: 26min

    digg_url = ''; It is Christmas time and what we put into our bodies at this time of year can have a huge impact on our health. Martin shares his first vegetarian Christmas dinner. Learn how to alkalize your body and improve your health. Transderma Minerals Magnesium Crystals Magnesium Supplement for Your Bath For Ultimate Absorption 1.5 lbs in a 16 oz jar Restore vital magnesium to your body, and enable cellular regeneration to exceed degeneration. These white crystals contain pure medical grade (USP) magnesium chloride, to conveniently & cost effectively restore cellular magnesium through your skin. Bathing allows efficient absorption of the magnesium through your skin, the largest organ in your body. Magnesium is an extremely important mineral that your body requires for cellular health (along with calcium, sodium & potassium). It supports healing, regeneration and maintenance of all living cells. It soothes your nervous system (p

  • Stop Hormonal Havok Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #46

    13/12/2007 Duration: 25min

    digg_url = ''; This week Martin and Scott discuss how hormones affect your health. Magnesium Magnesium is the most important mineral the body requires for cellular health. It soothes the sympathetic nervous system (providing deeper rest), and is essential for the production of amino acids that are critical for virtually every chemical reaction in the body. When you restore vital magnesium to the body, you make cellular regeneration possible. Life forms are a complex association of cells, each having its own life, combining to make up a life form. If every cell is in proper working order and communicating with the other cells, then the life form will also be in good working condition. It then follows that the key to restoring and maintaining health lies in perfecting (or returning) the single cell to its best, most vibrant condition. When you restore vital magnesium to the body, you enable cellular regeneration to exceed degeneration.

  • Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #45

    30/11/2007 Duration: 23min

    digg_url = ''; This week Martin and Scott discuss Mercury and Martin's recent experiences with his dentist. To learn more about Mercury: Life Enthusiast Coop. Remove Toxic Metals Yes, you can detoxify yourself from heavy metals. Clinical studies have shown that Platinum Plus (along with other missing nutrients) quickly and efficiently removes toxic metals, and taken prophylactically, keeps them out of your body. Poisonous metals such as Mercury, Aluminium, Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, have been shown residing in the body even when blood, hair, and urine show none. Detoxification is essential in today's poisoned world. You can heal many discomforts & diseases, eliminate heavy metal toxicity, and repair damaged tissue. This formula provides free form amino acids to break down your dietary protein from long chain proteins, into individual amino acids. SuperNutrient Corp Platinum Plus, Amino Acids Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton di

  • Flu Season, Thanksgiving and Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #44

    22/11/2007 Duration: 24min

    digg_url = ''; It is officially the Flu season. Learn what you can do to keep the flu bugs at bay. And it's probably nothing you ever considered. Learn about Flu Brew Increase Your Immune System To Destroy Viruses A compound for influenza onset, and full flu involvement. The flu results from a multitude of different viruses which can give varying symptoms. Antibiotics have no effect on flu viruses. Herbs, however, can increase the strength of the immune system and destroy the viruses. Major uses are: bronchitis, catarrh (naso-pharyngeal), colds, decongestant, diarrhea (bacterial), fever, flu onset & flu, immune system support enhancer, infection fighter, stomach flu. Properties include: anti-viral, anti-bacterial, alterative, bitter, arminative, circulatory, cooling, diaphoretic, and stimulant. Learn more about Flu Brew Multi-Nutrient Supplement To Boost Nutrient Assimilation This supplement enables your nutrient assimilation &

  • Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #43

    03/11/2007 Duration: 33min

    digg_url = ''; This week Martin and Scott discuss food combining and the quality of food you eat. Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on over 25 years in study, health consultations and market research in the field of holistic and alternative medicine. We deliver solid time tested expertise. We are in this business not for the money, but for the passion, we have for sharing with others what we had to learn the hard way, through experience. We focus on high quality, innovative holistic solutions. Length: 16:00 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Life Enthusiast Reviews and 5 star ratings If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO A FRIEND” At The Bottom Of This Podcast…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYONE In Y

  • Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #42

    17/10/2007 Duration: 32min

    digg_url = ''; Five forces of Illness: Detox. This week Martin and Scott discuss how detoxification affects your health. Amino acid supplementation will provide your body with an essential foundation for health. Amino acids are the building blocks of systemic proteins, which are present in all your body tissues, including skin, nails, hair, blood, bone and brain cells. Thousands of different systemic proteins are constantly being manufactured from 20 different amino acids. Your body can manufacture 10 of these amino acids, the other 10 are considered essential, meaning they must be acquired from your diet. Many diseases result when systemic protein production is inefficient or inadequate. But excesses of some amino acids can produce results as detrimental as deficiencies. Balance in the use of amino acids is of great importance. Amino acids must be available in the proper amount and ratio. Our SuperNutrient formulas contain a perfect

  • Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #41

    12/10/2007 Duration: 27min

    digg_url = ''; This week Martin and Scott discuss how oxidative Stress affects your health. What can you do to reverse the aging affects of the pollutants in our environment and poor eating habits? Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on over 25 years in study, health consultations and market research in the field of holistic and alternative medicine. We deliver solid time tested expertise. We are in this business not for the money, but for the passion, we have for sharing with others what we had to learn the hard way, through experience. We focus on high quality, innovative holistic solutions. Length: 23:15 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Life Enthusiast Reviews and 5 star ratings If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO A FRIEND” At The

  • Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #40

    26/09/2007 Duration: 12min

    digg_url = ''; This week Martin and Scott discuss how properly absorbed minerals affect your health. Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on over 25 years in study, health consultations and market research in the field of holistic and alternative medicine. We deliver solid time tested expertise. We are in this business not for the money, but for the passion, we have for sharing with others what we had to learn the hard way, through experience. We focus on high quality, innovative holistic solutions. Length: 16:00 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Life Enthusiast Reviews and 5 star ratings If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO A FRIEND” At The Bottom Of This Podcast…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYONE In

  • Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Metabolism - Podcast #39 Part One

    18/09/2007 Duration: 15min

    ever wonder why you caould eat like a horse in your youth and now everytime you look at a doughnut you gain 5 pounds? Today, Martin demystifies the metabolism for Scott and You! Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on over 25 years in study, health consultations and market research in the field of holistic and alternative medicine. We deliver solid time tested expertise. We are in this business not for the money, but for the passion, we have for sharing with others what we had to learn the hard way, through experience. We focus on high quality, innovative holistic solutions. Length: 16:00 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Life Enthusiast Reviews and 5 star ratings If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO A FRIEND” At The Bottom Of This Podcast…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYO

  • Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Co-op - Power of Water - Podcast #38

    07/09/2007 Duration: 28min

    Quantum Tech water is infused with light from a Geometric Laser, to imprint the vibration of 35 essential isotopes of elements from the periodic table. These elements are required by your body, in their pre-metallic, unstable isotopic form, for healthy and vitality. Tymbak Water The people at Quantum Tech believe that human health & well being depends upon 35 isotopes, that must be replenished on a regular basis. Attempting to convert incorrect isotopes to usable frequencies, will result in unnecessary biological systems stress & expenditure of energy. This process is very inefficient and can cause a lack of energy & vitality, diminished immune capacity, lowered resistance to disease, and a potentially shortened life span. Since our soils are depleted of these essential elements, so are humans. Quantum Tech believes that currently available mineral supplements are not in a minerals state, but in a toxic metallic state. Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy livin

  • Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Enzymes and Weight Loss - Podcast #37

    03/09/2007 Duration: 32min

    digg_url = ''; Today's guest is the President of Generation Plus, Patrick Buehl. Generation Plus is a corporation that was formed with definite purpose. It is our wish to raise the public's awareness of complimentary solutions and natural medicines, which preserve health. One could say that our products may have the potential of "Opening a Result" leading to better health. We take your health very seriously and are committed to improving your quality of life. We are able to offer products that people can count on because we do our research. The result, from our perspective, is a level of customer loyalty that is unprecedented. No question about it. A healthful diet when combined with an adequate exercise program, a positive attitude and plenty of laughter is the true basis for a healthier lifestyle. When these items are practiced consistently you will feel better and live longer. Then when it comes time for you to bridge the nutritional

  • Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Success Stroies - Podcast #36

    22/08/2007 Duration: 29min

    This week Martin shares stories for our listeners and Life Platinum Plus Essential Free Form Amino Acids To aid Healing of Systemic Diseases You can heal many discomforts & diseases, eliminate heavy metal toxicity, and repair damaged tissue. This formula provides free form amino acids to break down your dietary protein from long chain proteins, into individual amino acids. You may eat large amounts of protein, but this does not ensure its digestion and delivery to your cells. Platinum Plus Amino Acids addresses the primary protein problem that started some of your deficiencies in the first place. It increases the free form amino acids a minimum of 2500% in a diet of only 50 grams of protein. Platinum Plus Amino Acids Exsula Superfoods Strata-Flora Probiotics to Support Your Natural Immune System Tidy-Up Your Internal Environment with Strata-Flora. For a healthy, happy and vigorous long life. THE NEED: To reinforce your immune system which is coming under increasing assault from antibiotic-bred super-g

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