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Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #42



digg_url = ''; Five forces of Illness: Detox. This week Martin and Scott discuss how detoxification affects your health. Amino acid supplementation will provide your body with an essential foundation for health. Amino acids are the building blocks of systemic proteins, which are present in all your body tissues, including skin, nails, hair, blood, bone and brain cells. Thousands of different systemic proteins are constantly being manufactured from 20 different amino acids. Your body can manufacture 10 of these amino acids, the other 10 are considered essential, meaning they must be acquired from your diet. Many diseases result when systemic protein production is inefficient or inadequate. But excesses of some amino acids can produce results as detrimental as deficiencies. Balance in the use of amino acids is of great importance. Amino acids must be available in the proper amount and ratio. Our SuperNutrient formulas contain a perfect