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Zoetein | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #50



digg_url = ''; ZoeTein, SuperFood-Grade Protein Establishes Appetite Control This protein-rich SuperFood reduces your desire for nutritionally empty, chemically processed, life-draining high-cholesterol, low-enzyme, SAD (Standard American Diet) foods. Your body has a natural hunger for high-quality protein and will drive you to eat & eat & eat, until you provide it. So, just provide it. A daily supply of ZoeTein will typically provide a better balance, spectrum, and amount of genuinely utilizable protein than an expensive, nutritionist-crafted & balanced, vegetarian meal. ZoeTein, SuperFood-Grade Protein Muscle Support = Fat Loss The more SuperFood-quality protein your muscles get, the more efficient they become in burning fat and giving you maximum fat loss out of your exercise and activities - and even during resting. The sad fact is, in the stampede to lose weight America has lost sight of the real goal which is to get and stay he