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Prostate, PMS and Iodine | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #52



digg_url = ''; SuperNutrient Corp Sea Plant Minerals Important Phytonutrients to support your Endocrine System Natural Organic energetically potentialized Laminaria Digitata Vitamin & Mineral Supplement Control Your Metabolism: Organic Iodine feeds your thyroid gland, which controls metabolism and promotes maturation of the nervous system. Disinfect Your Blood: Iodine is also the main natural disinfecting agent in our body. Every 15 minutes, all of your blood goes through that small organ - the thyroid gland. Prevent Cardiovascular Disease: Laminarin is a polysaccharide that is helpful in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It helps to balance coagulation of blood. Detoxify From Heavy Metals: Alginate is a natural absorbent of radioactive elements, heavy metals, and free radicals. It has the unique ability of binding heavy metals and radioactive elements to its own molecules. Because the Alginate cannot be broken